
After doing research online and reading forums last year, I decided to try the squaric acid. I had a pretty extreme reaction after the first use. Under the instruction of the dermatologist, I only used it 2 or 3 more times and experienced an even worse reaction. My scalp became inflamed and I started getting small bumps like hives all over my scalp and parts of my hands and arms.

I received "so-so" results, but now I have blueish/gray bruise-like marks on my arms and hands. My scalp turned 3 shades darker and looks bruised. The discoloration also spread to parts of the side of my face.

Has anyone else ever had this reaction?


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I'm so sorry you haven't had the result you had hoped for. I have a good friend who also had some very adverse reactions to this type of medication.

I hope everything that is going with you with regards to your treatment settle down soon.


Thank you Rose Marie'.  I don't think I'm still reacting because its been so long since I've use the SA (but I guess you never know).  Now I am trying to "damage control" but none of the creams or gel is working.  I hope everything goes back to its normal color.

What strength were you using? We started with 1% and had to get another prescription for 1/2 that dose as it had a horrible reaction for my daughter as well. She goes though 1 cycle per year with 2-3 spots. We use the squaric acid 1 time a week for about 6 weeks and she gets about 60% hair re-growth each time. We have used the squaric acid for about 2-3 yrs now for her cycles. The second day it does get red, swollen and itchy and then calms down after that with just some dryness. She makes the decision when she wants to start treatment as it is her body, her decision. 

The reaction you mentioned has never happened to my daughter before. 

Wow, that's  great that your daughter is having continued success with the treatment.  I was using the .8% with Acetone Soln.  My dermatologist had never seen my reaction before either.  I guess this is unchartered territory for everyone. 



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