Hi, my name is Michelle and I have AA. I found my first bald spot in June/2012 and I'm now completely bald. I recently realized that my eyebrows are starting to fall out and I'm scared to death. When I first came to this site I was so comforted. It was nice to see that there are people out there that know exactly how I'm feeling and what I'm going through. I have a great support system at home but I'm still having a hard time coming to terms with all of this, it just happened so fast. I'm glad I found this site and hopefully talking to others will help me move forward.

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Hi! My hair started to fall out around the time your did, and I am completely bald now, aswell. With no eyebrows.
Worried sick that my eyelashes will fall out too.. so i feel your pain. But don't give up your hope! It might grow back :)x

I'm worried about my eyelashes too but trying to stay positive. Thanks so much!

I'm so sorry, it's happening so quickly for you, I don't know what is worse having it all go quick and move on with life, or have it take ten years like it did with me, either way is hard, I lost my eyebrows and now have just a bit of one of them, I use powder to fill in and create my brows, fortunatly I wear bangs and have pretty light brows to begin with so that helped. It is so important to have great support from loved ones, I don't really have that so much, most of friends and family just kinda ignore it, which can mean they just don't think any differently but they also were never really there for me with the struggle I have gone through, I finially shaved the last bits of my bio hair in August and got a great wig, so I feel pretty confident in it and it look very much like my own hair, most people are shocked if I tell them. My advice to you is begin to explore all the options out there for you. There are so many great products out there if you are thinking about replacing your hair. chreck out the spacific groups on here for products and Ideas. I love this site, I would have felt so alone without it.

I bought a wig but I feel so strange wearing it. Maybe I just need time to get used to it. I'm sorry you didn't have much support from family and friends. I think sometimes its hard for them to be there for us in the way that we need them to because they just don't understand how much of an emotional and mental toll this takes on us. My husband and son are super supportive but I can definitely relate with you as far as my extended family is concerned. I'm glad we found this site.

Are you getting any re-growth yet? Mine started a couple of months before yours, lost it all and then the white unpigmented growth started. Probably up to 75% now and crossing fingers. I haven't lost my eyebrows or lashes and I'm scared that I will. It's crazy how fast (and out of the blue) it happens and how it's so different for everyone. It would be nice to know what's instore for us next!

I just started to get like a white peach fuzz on my scalp in the last couple of days, not really sure what it is but I'm trying not to get to excited about it just in case. Is that what you're experiencing? It is crazy how fast it happens! My eyebrows started slow but are now falling out really fast.

Hi Kate - my name is Kate too :)

What did the regrowth start as? could you see it or just feel it? Did it start all over? I have not had any but I am just curios what it is like... hopeful ? lly I will one day.

Did you undergo any treatments or just let it progress naturally

I haven't been on here for awhile, Sorry Kate, didn't see your message.  I'm curious though, it's been a year since this discussion. How are you both getting on?  My white regrowth has mostly been replaced by coloured hair.  It's growing thicker everyday.  Of course it's always in the back of my mind that it could happen all over again.  It's been nearly 2 years since it all started.  I didn't have any treatments, I figured I'd let nature take it's course.  I'm still wearing wigs every day as it's not all there, yet.  Hoping I'll be brave enough to stop wearing them soon.

Hi Michelle. I lost all my hair then my eyebrows and then my eyelashes all within a month. It's been two years now and I've had no sign of growth. I remember when I first started wearing a wig, I was very self conscious, even to the point of embarrassment. Like you, my husband and son (who was 1 at the time) were very supportive but it was very hard emotionally. As I got used to being bald and got better wigs (and better at wearing wigs), I got used to it. I've accepted that my hair will probably never grow back and I'm ok with that now. Now my son is almost 3, I have a 2 month old daughter, and I've realized there are more important things in life than hair. Hang in there. Em

Im really hoping I get comfortable with my wig soon, right now it makes me feel like a bobble head so I never wear it. Im getting a little more comfortable with all of this everyday but I still have my moments. Thank you so much for sharing your story with me.

Yes, the white fuzzy fluffy stuff. Once it started it hasn't stopped so hopefully that's what's going on for you, too. I've heard it can spontaneously change back to your normal hair colour - or just fall out again. We just need to stay positive and hope for the best, it's out of our control. Tell you what though, I'm sick of the "in-between"!! Gimme it all or take it all away. :)

I hope thats whats happening but if not what can we do. You're right, staying positive is where I need to put my focus. And I agree about the in-between stage, it sucks! :)



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