has anyone ever tanned in a full lace wig or any wig? does it make it smell bad??

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Hi Ashley,
Are you referring to tanning beds? This is the mom in me replying...
Here in New York state we have strong public health and safety advocacy. Our newest law prohibits teens under 18 from going to them to keep another generation from using them.
Tanning beds are proven to cause skin cancer (check some of the articles at the AAD.org site of the American Academy of Dermatology.
Australia also has a strong movement putting graphic images of skin cancer on tv.

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I'm sorry if this seems a bit negative, but why increase your risk of skin cancer, and damage your skin and make it look prematurely old? Everyone can see how much older people's faces look if they got tans when they were young. There are lots of ads for facial treatments to repair sun damage. I know several people who were avid tanners who got skin cancer later on.
From my wiggy experiences years ago, I found wigs could smell bad from any old sweat accumulation. Washing them regularly took care of it. Of course, if you tan in a wig you get a tan line.
You're right about the tan line, Lisa. After I lost my hair, I worked hard to even up the color on my very pale scalp. That was my husband's only request as far as my hair loss, and now the color is nice and even. I'm always careful not to wear a scarf or turban in the sun (even while driving) that would give me a tan line again. If I'm in the sun for very long, I wear a sunhat. Otherwise, I'm bald.
thanks for all the info ladys :)
why dont u just take it off? or do u glue it?
I just started tanning since the weather is getting nicer and im a red head so i just burn in the sun if i dont get a base in the bed .. anywaysss I take mine off and go in because they sometimes use lights like that for treatment and I found last year when i only had the hair underneath gone i would tie my hair up high to let the spots show and they never burnt but i almost thought it helped the hair grow lol
Also to the above statements given to u! We're young and we love to have some colour these days,,, just dont over do it i guess, but as far as skin cancer goes, almost everything gives u cancer these days so if ur like me and being tanned makes u feel nicer in your looks (which feeling better in any way when you have no hair HELPS!) then enjoy and just use the proper lotions! :)
thanks alisha!! your right being tan makes me feel prettier... i know its a little childish i guess but anything i can do to make myself feel better right now is great! thanks again girl :)
Ashley, I sure understand about wanting to do whatever you can to feel good about yourself right now. You're a lovely young woman. Just take it a day at a time and remember that you're not your hair, and you're still the same person. Mary
lol! id say that was comical... thanks so much for the info :)
Tanning makes me ask the same question I ask when I see young people smoking cigarettes - and I see a lot of them: Why would anyone want to INCREASE their chances of getting cancer?!

There are so many cancers that people get where there is no known cause, and so many other diseases like auto-immune diseases that we have NO control over getting or not getting. Why do these things that are proven to increase the risk of getting a terrible disease? I just don't understand.
Just happened to watch Dr. Phil at the gym today - here's a link to info about tanning:

thanks mary... thats kinda scary isnt it :/



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