As you may or may not know, I have had some of my eyebrows grow back ( through injections and a foam I use). Today, I my boyfriend noticed hairs on my head! There are a few things I am doing differently. A) I took a high dose of prednisone ( I only took it once so far...but I do it every two wks now) B) I moved from NY to VA for a new job. Now I am wondering which one did the trick. I think it may have something to do with the move. NY was very stressful, fast paced, polluted, ect. Here its cleaner, and I have been spending time near the pool ; ) I find it interesting that the hairs started to grow when I moved I here. What are your thoughts?

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Congratulations on the hair growth! My thoughts are that I don't know how any of us can really know whether treatment is what's causing growth. I wish we could.

I went completely AU a year and a half ago, zero hairs anywhere. Then a few months ago I started growing hair between my forehead and my chin - but nowhere else on my body. I now have pretty thick, but incomplete eyebrows, partial eyelashes (upper lids only), nose hair (more on one side than the other), and facial peach fuzz (mainly on one side). I have done NOTHING - no prednisone, no injections, nothing topical, and I've had no changes to my lifestyle.

So, it just seems to me that AA has a mind of its own. I'm trying not to have any expectations about growth, though it's hard not to get excited when hair reappears. Good luck.

Yay for regrowth - here's hoping it continues! I too am experiencing regrowth (after being almost AU last year) at the moment but I have had no treatments in almost 2 years. I now have hair almost all over my head, and I am finding hairs on my arms and legs that I never had before. I have even found a few teeny tiny eyelashes, which I am getting cautiously excited about.
Mary is spot on when she says that no one can ever really tell what is causing regrowth. The prednisone may be helping, but remember that its results, if any, are temporary. I don't think that a move could actually cause regrowth. More likely, your hair has decided to grow of its own accord. Unfortunately alopecia is notoriously unpredictable and the cycle of loss/regrowth could continue for years. I personally think it would be a lot easier if all my hair decided to go away again if it's not going to grow back fully. But I have no say in the matter - which sucks :(
Good luck with your alopecia journey..
Thanks...I agree with hair thing..on my head. If it doesnt come back completly...I dont want any at all. I DO want my lashes back though. I am going to try to get injections near my lashline because I think it will be worth it ( The pain). Having no lashes really bothers me...I get stuff in my eyes all day. So really as long as I can get those back...Im a happy camper ; )

I meant environment change when I said moving. Maybe theres something in NYC that was triggering my alopecia. Just a thought...always trying to figure this stuff out ; )
Ouch! I had injections for 7 years into my scalp, and I can only imagine what it would feel like in the eyes. My experience with the scalp injections was always the grew back in the area of the shot, then fell out again. But, please let us know what happens if you do the lash injections, and good luck.

I missed my eyelashes and brows a lot, and this regrowth has been unexpected. I coped with the eyelash loss by getting eyeliner tattoos, and by carrying Visine with me for irritation. For what it's worth, I've seemed to do better emotionally when I just said to myself "I'm never going to have any hair again", and moved on. The wishing and hoping and trying to have hair was killing me.

Yes...Im not sure how long I would contnue getting injections...they do hurt, but I love having my brows back. I definatly will not try to get head hair back now...honestly...I dont care that much. I would, at this point, get monthly injections though to get, and keep eyelashes and brows. Like I said...might get tired of that ; )
Agreed, Lee. I would absolutely LOVE to have my lashes back.



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