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And my friend noticed the first bald patch that was rather large about the size of a match box and i have NO IDEA where the hair went,
same with the other 2 or so i have no idea where the hair that fell is

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I went for a haircut, that's when I found out.. I had 3 patches.. one of them big enough (almost 1x2 inches)
AA first
AU some years after
Going out from the hospital for other not-related problems, I began to have first patch on the back of the head. Solved it another one went out.. solved it too for some times nothng appeared but new patches went out in the next years and a new big one became always bigger.. and new patches became bigger and not more solvable with usual medications... at some point it was useless to hide that mess.. and I cut them all to skin.
So it became universalis. Every hairs on my body felt down.
Sad story...
Noticed shedding/first patch june 2011. few months following personal trauma/one week following bad bout of flu (which one triggered it?!?! who knows..maybe both?) continued to shed, first patch spreading and new patches developing (now about 8 or so) some weeks i shed less, other weeks i shed lots - especially if i feel run down. i notice when shedding my skin and scalp is very oily and hair texture is horrible. almost all back of scalp is now bald, thankfully not the front
I first noticed alarming hair loss in April 2011. By July, I couldn't go out w/o a hat, and by mid Aug I quickly progressed to AU and shaved the few strands I had left on my head. I am a 49 yo woman, have never been aware of AA for myself or others in my family. I now wear hats at most times and a good quality human hair wig for work and occasions when I want to look "nice." I had my brows tattooed about a month ago and grateful that I don't have to draw them in first thing every day. I'm still looking for a natural pair of lashes that I can apply. Oh yah, I have also been recently diagnosed with early stage Hashimoto's thyroiditis.
I use to have hair longer then my shoulders & took such pride in it. then at the end of nov 09 i noticed my hair starting to fall out when i was brushing it then clumps when i'd wash it. it took about 4 months for it to all fall out. then through the next year my body hair fell out. recently at the beginning of this yr 2011 my eyebrows and eyelashes have fallen out. there is now no way 2 hide my condition so it's kinda being traumatized all over again. many people whom ive known now stare at me & act funny because i have no hair. it's been hard but im trying 2 stay positive. im also looking for some good quality wigs & natural looking fake eye lashes.
yeah its a pain just helpless watching your hair fall out,
its not to great when showering, other then that iv noticed the patchs (obviously)
just dont understand where the hair is lol

First lost a HUGE spot on the top of my head when I was about 15 or 16, then 11 years later in August of 2010 I lost over 50% of my hair, shaved the rest off 09/02/10 and have went wigless ever since. Now I have about 2 inches of hair and no bald spots *keeping fingers crossed it stays that way* if not... I will just shave again, I don't mind my bald head :)

March 2010 (at age 19) my boyfriend was running his fingers through my hair while we watched tv (which he normally doesn't do, but it was random).... he told me he felt a bald spot, and there it was, about 2x2in. That spot grew until the end of the summer when I finally got injections... it was around 2x3in at that point. 2010-2011 winter was really bad, the whole center of the back of my head was falling out. Luckily the only way people would notice is if I wore pigtails (which I don't anyway!). Just this past summer it has progressed a lot after injections, with short chunky hair replacing the bald spots. Now I have a few scattered 1x1 spots, but nothing rapid as far as I can tell. So it has almost been 2 years since it has started.
I started AA to AT to AU
first experience I was 8 yrs old, where a couple of bald spots quickly turn to full scalp loss. I did experience regrowth but always battled bald spots. Over the last 10 years I have been AU but I believe the reason I didnt lose all my scalp hair before all my body hair left was from the aggressive treatments I was doing. When I finally stopped treatments the rest of my scalp hair left.
I went to get my hair colored and cut, and my stylist noticed a few spots on the back of my head and said she thinks its alopecia because she had been through the same thing, this was about a year and a half ago, now im almost fully bald! and still debating whether or not to shave the rest
I had AT now AA. A friend noticed a small bald spot at the top of my head, I disregarded it until I noticed I was shedding. Started Shedding Dec 1 2011, I was bald by New years eve! It happened with in 30 days. At the time I did not realize it, but I am glad it fell out quickly if it all had to go, otherwise it would have drove me crazy! I had strong patches now, majority of my skin is bald, but I keep my head shaved, love my wigs!

AA to AT to AU now almost back to just AT

First time was at work when a co-worker asked what happened to the back of my head. Lost a 2" patch which eventually grew back. Fast forward 20 yrs, here I am, sitting on the couch one night after a long day when the cat starts licking what I thought was my hair. It felt kinda odd so I reached back to find nothing but skin. Think I should have noticed but I didn't. After that, the hair started falling out by the hand full.



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