Hey Sisters! We need to take a survey. A few of our sisters are feeling men are not attracted to bald women. I'm asking all bald women who have found love while sporting that breath taking, beautiful and bald head please be counted.

Brothers! If you met your woman while she was sporting that breathtaking, beautiful and bald head, please stand up and be counted.

Oh and PS, please let's remember there is a world outside of AW -- there are many who are not being counted.

So to my sisters and brothers; Heads Up! And let the truth be told.

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Hey PJ! Some might say this corny, but I think your husband shaving your head is romantic. My husband, grandson and I share the same barber.
My husband shaves my head, we actually shave each others. I find it romantic too. Sometimes I stand there in wonder, thinking that the part of me that at once I thought would be repulsive to another man is the part that he is lovingly grooming.

Side note: We were at his 92 year old grandmothers earlier this summer and out of the blue, she said "Soooooo.... You shave her head (Pause) and she shaves yours?" LOL! It was priceless.
: )
yes....agree, Angie & Cheryl
I have a male, platonic friend (a gay white man) that shaves my head, because several African-American barbers in my area have REFUSED to do so, telling me that I should try to "grow more hair", not shave what little I have off.

My gay frends -- male or female -- don't have any "issues" with the baldness....but I have had two dreadful experiences with male romantic partners, and I am just not going there anymore....
My husband shaved my head when the time came and he loved it! He thinks I'm "Hot" without my hair. Often when I come down for the night for some quiet time without the kids and without my hair he doesn't even notice! He loves me for me not for my hair!
@ Jennifer -Something about men shaving their women's head make them happy. Maybe they get to pretend they are barbers. LOL
Jennifer, I agree. I think that eventually people that are close to you, can't even remember what you wore last. Something like glasses and contacts. When I was switching between wigs, scarves and going naturally bald, after a while the people close to me couldn't always tell me what I was wearing the day before.
Hmm, I wonder who this great man is ;)

aw I wish I could find a guy with alopecia. That way he can relate to my situation

My husband and I started dating between bald time frames. That being said, he's known me since middle school and had a crush on me in 8th grade. My husband thinks that my embracing my baldness has made me embrace my boldness, and he loves it.



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