Hey Sisters! We need to take a survey. A few of our sisters are feeling men are not attracted to bald women. I'm asking all bald women who have found love while sporting that breath taking, beautiful and bald head please be counted.

Brothers! If you met your woman while she was sporting that breathtaking, beautiful and bald head, please stand up and be counted.

Oh and PS, please let's remember there is a world outside of AW -- there are many who are not being counted.

So to my sisters and brothers; Heads Up! And let the truth be told.

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I was already married when I lost my hair. My husband loves my bald beautiful look. Also I have had a fwe men tell me how they are attracted to bald women. When I first lost my hair I use to wear a wig,then I started wearing wraps.I now walk around bald. I don't think it's hair that makes you attractive or sexy it's you. It's all in how you feel about your self.I am complimented often on how beautiful I look. I personally think it has little to do with my looks and everything to do with my attitude.
Sure, I've found love while bald. I've also kept the same love through going bald, then hairy, then bald, then patchy, . . . One love told me he likes how my baldness looks classically Egyptian, and he liked shaving my head sometimes. Another said he finds the confidence of the few women he's seen bald in public way sexy. My husband would prefer real hair, but loves me as I am. He often rubs my head (patches and all) and fondly calls me a good egg. FWIW, he also prefers the aesthetics of scarves and hats and bareheaded over wigs.
I've had some issues with this lately. Going into high school, i blamed my Alopecia for not having a homecoming date. I guess it's just because i don't know many people yet.

Thank you for this, i needed it. :)
Your welcome Sanah! I think we all need to regroup sometimes. Whether its hair, finance or weight control, we all need to be reminded none of area gives true happiness. Even the strongest of the strong need a little cushion sometimes. It's good we all have each other. :-)
Thanks for posting this Angie! The fact that I have alopecia and choose to wear a wig has never been a problem with the guys I've dated and had relationships with. I just play up my other physical features, maintain a busy life and actively pursue my passions. In my experience, THAT is what attracts men - not my hair.
But if you have a missus already, then you will have to wait until single again before hitting up the sisters on this site! Just sayin'...
Get him GodMom! Girl you always on point. :-)
My husband has stood by and loved me through all - my sons have too and even my youngest got his shaved with me - I'm lucky I know - but the true of heart and mind people - the ones who see us and love us from the inside out - they do exist and they are the ones to be with. Thank you for posting this
i'm 16 soo dating and having AU can be pretty rough. i've found that most guys will tell you that it's not a problem, when it really is. 18, 19 year old guys are selfish at that age, but don't want to face it. i havent seemed to have any huge issues with the fact that i'm bald, more with just guys themselves. i've been single since i was diagnosed. i leave the house bald quite often, but sometimes i get weird about certain situations and have to wear a wig. i'd like to get into scarves because they're way more comfortable. i've never had a guy approach me when i was bald. i have my moments when i think that i'll always be single because i'm bald, but mostly i just think it's the age group. although a confidence boost every now and then would never hurt ;) haha i like listening to the stories. -loryn.
Hey Loryn!

I’m glad you’re listening. Wow, thank you so much for sharing. I never thought of how difficult hair lost could be for a young lady your age. Yes, 18 yrs old males could be very selfish. Well know this! I have spoke and met women right here on AW; who met their husband, when they (women) were bald. They are educated, very intelligent, beautiful, happily married with a house full of children.
You’re not going to be single forever, because your beautiful and plus God also make intelligent men. Just focus on your education right now and think about what you are going to study in college. Keep us posted. You have a lot of big sisters and brothers on AW. :-)
Hi Loryn, I had never seen bald women until I found this site when loosing my hair and going bald myself. I am simply stunned by the bald beauty (some report that they feel stared at; may be, but I could imagine that people don't only notice unusual looks but also they beauty of a bald person), this special sort of unique beauty; as a guy who was scared to go bald I found much encouragement especially from my strong bald sisters here. I love being bald by now and I am proud to find myself in the company of such great people. Wish more would sport their bald heads in public (but this is of course their business). This would make it a more "normal" appearance among all the hairy ones. So if I had to choose just from the point of view of the looks of their heads, I guess I would go for a bald women, because they are beautiful and there is more than hair; more importantly I would assume there is a strong personality and a very confident one. I believe that a lot won't go for for a bald women, but maybe this is just filtering out the superficial blokes. I wish you well, envy you for your beautiful bald head (I still have to shave a bit), and thank you for your encouragement! Take care!
Reading all of your stories is very uplifting. I've been married to my wonderful husband for almost two years now. I started losing my hair in September. I shaved my head two weeks ago and though I am still having trouble coming to grips with it all he seems to be fine with it. He tells me that he didn't marry me for my hair. He even shaved his head so I wouldn't feel so bad. =0) I haven't quite gotten to the point where I can go out in public bald yet. I wear a wig in public and scarves at home. Hopefully soon I'll have as much confidence as you all have and be able to embrace my baldness!

Thank you all for sharing your stories!



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