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so is it possible for all people like us? 

can someone help with the website, id love to visit and get treated!!

2016 seems to be a major year for breakthrough for alopecia!!! God bless all these doctors who are forever working on our problems :)

HEllo Did you manage to join them my interready to call a hospital where was made tries them private hospital he fell on a person who knew have you anything the number of the laboratory Based  by Dr Yong Zhao in 2011, Tianhe cellular origins) biotechnologies?

Hi Kevin 

From what you know is it possible for a European person to travel and avail of this treatment in this China hospital?

I would be willing to fly from Ireland to China to avail of it if it was possible. Do we have any details on prices for the treatment ? 

Then of the fact that I read a woman of the close etats unis made it but for the diabetes of the type 1 she to pay approximately 6000 dollars it is necessary to add the plane ticket and other expenses .Je still know not at all if it is possible to be treated seen that he is in phase 2 it is the big question but in China it maybe feasible tomorrow my interready is going to call back(to remind) all the hospitals where took place clinical trials and how to contact directly Dr Zhao where one of his collaborators where how to contact directly their laboratory by telephone because on their site there is that their e-mail For me this is the remedy but I am afraid with the pharmaceutical pressures he no veule not no to approve him because in the end for them this is a total loss because equal remedy more need for their shit of xeljanz or cortisone

haha. You have the exact same opinion as myself about big pharma , I trust them as far as I could thrown them and it is my firm belief that other diseases ( not least alopecia ) are fully CURABLE however big pharma companies prefer to make available (at massive profits for them) weak / miserably effective treatment remedies with some horrendous side effects in their use . This is opinion is conclusively evident with the media exposure that Dr Zhao's (PHD) Stem-cell effectiveness has been reported in the worlds FANTASTIC !!!!! PAID OFF !!!!!! media.

Alopecia friends...  I've been to China twice for this treatment.  Once in August of last year (2015) and once over the Thanksgiving holiday (November). To this day I haven't seen any hair improvement from the treatment.  Although I did have aches in my feet and knees that had developed over the last several years that disappeared after the first treatment and has never come back.  hmmm

I'm a mid 40's guy who has been AU for 5 years.  I found out about this treatment last year around June.  I immediately contacted several of the doctors one being Dr. Zhao.  He's a wonderful man who it completely compassionate to our condition.  After many labs and filling out all kinds of release forms I travels to Shijiazhuang China, via Beijing.  For all I'd heard about the pollution I was not at all prepared for how bad it was.  So sad and depressing.  But the people and food were amazing. 

The first time I went it was a breeze.  It's a three day process all together.  On Wednesday I got pre labs to get my blood count so they could calibrate the machine.  Thursday I got the treatment which takes from about 8:15am to about 5:30pm.  The only pain is that you are laying on your back that entire time.  You can go to the bathroom about noon after they take the tube that is taking the blood out of you out of your arm.  Otherwise you are on your back.. I'm a side sleeper so this was really REALLY tough.  But for hair...anything.  I felt a little tired after, but went back to the hotel and slept great.  Friday morning I was back to the hospital to get post labs and then you're done. 

My second trip was not so easy.  About 6 hours into the treatment I starting having an allergic reaction and had to stop.  They gave me a quick shot and after about 45 minutes I was back to normal.  The doctor said I probably got 80% of the treatment that time. 

In speaking with the hospital doctor in China (semi through my translator) he said that the girl in the pictures was the best case of all the people they treated.  He said it works wonders with diabetes and some other auto immune things...but that every case is different and that it usually takes 3 or more treatments.

I still do think this procedure has promise...and I asked several times if I could do several days while I was there.  They were just not comfortable doing that.  Personally I think that is how it will work.  The more cells that are trained...the more of a chance at reversing the condition. 

In the process I spoke with one of the doctors from the cell lab in Florida (can't remember the name off hand) and he said they were really focused on the diabetes angle first.  I really have been off the radar on this so I'm not sure what stages the trials are at.  All the doctors kept saying that the FDA was being very difficult and that they were going to have to go through a bunch of red tape.  (shocker!!). 

I don't want to be Debbie Downer... just wanted to share my experience.  Happy to answer any questions anyone might have. 


for some reason, every time i click this link, my antivirus blocks the website. :(

I don't think it's some sort of conspiracy on behalf of the Big Pharma. However, I bet this publication would get much higher exposure if it was published by an American researcher. Seems like anything that comes out of China is taken with a grain of salt in the West.

I agree that this is a much more promising development for us than the discovery of Jak inhibitors.

Here's a video of the inventor talking about trying to get FDA approval and start trials. He thinks it's a year out for that and 4 years out for a practical application.

He also says he anticipates multiple treatments for autoimmune disease as only a portion of the immune cells are "re-educated" during the process. 

I WOULD worry that big pharma will lobby the FDA to over-regulate this in the US and/or shut it down, as they make so much money selling insulin, etc. 

Yes the West is cautious about developments in China, but you'd think one of the largest populations on earth would probably produce some clever scientists. 

Xeljanz cost approx 2500 doll, in Turkey same droug cost 600 doll i think this thing say all about these lobbies ...i hope the cure will be not stopped, actually doctor Zhao is in the hospital in New Jersey, after the Chinese HOLYDAYS he'll come back in China.

Here the answer :

Hi Giuseppe, we apologize for the delay in communication. Tianhe is focusing most of the attention on advancing the research and have not yet commercialized the treatment to the public. Therefore, most public correspondence is unwarranted. Also, specific details regarding trial treatments vary and therefore must be corresponded with Dr. Zhao. He is currently out of the country and hope to return your questions in due time. Thank you!




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