I'm taking the big step of investing in a new high quality wig and want to hear input regarding anyone that has purchased 'The Gripper' from Peggy Knight. This is a very big purchase for me and I would appreciate any advise from those who have taken this expensive step before as well. Please let me know your pros and cons and if you think a different wig would be better and why, if possible. I have a very hot head and am afraid to try the hard shell wigs. Please share your experience and thought with me. I have had alopecia universalis for three years now and can finally purchase a quality wig. Thank you for any assistance you can supply. Judy

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Again we are very much in accord. I am here to learn (for my daughter and myself) and to help when and if people need information. Most of my posts are of a personal nature unless I'm asked in particular about freedom or I see misinformation that can disempower the person with alopecia. I think what I love most about this site is the fact that all who are involved mostly have alopecia or a loved one with the condition.

I understand the costs behind this condition (I personally deal with my daughter every day), she does not just have alopecia but a myriad of other auto immune conditions as well. Insurers in the USA and Health authorities around the world need to help (in my opinion) as the cost for those dealing with this condition to achieve a comfort level that suits them is sometimes very expensive.

I so hope insurers in the US understand that this is a real issue, that requires serious help.

When we were both in Norway I found it so heartening how they help their adults and children with alopecia. Giving them the free will to pick whatever wig they desire with cost not being an issue...what is the issue is what will help the person with the condition.

I hope everybody signs this petition and things change for those dealing with it worldwide.



Thanks for sharing the information. I was diagnosed in June 2013 and after reading that some insurance companies don't cover wigs for Alopecia, I immediately contacted my insurance carrier. I am so grateful my company through our vendor covers the cost!

This is Andrew from Transitions Hair (Sydney, Australia). It's a pity to hear about the lack of government support in the USA for Alopecians.

In Australia there is help of varying degrees. The size of the grant, subsidy or rebate depends on which state you live in - state government bodies have varying grants and different insurance companies offer different rebates according to the level of cover you have.

So, for any Aussies reading this thread you can can find more info on our website on our blog (just click the link and read through).

I hope this is of help to someone. Actually, I hope it helps many people.


Hi BronxtoBoston

I'm glad the Freedom Wig is working for you. You know this heat thing is an absolute frustration for me when I read it. I deal with 1000's of wearers around the world and when they are talking about their Freedom wig they do not say they are hot or uncomfortable...what they do say is that they are comfortable and take on the temperature of your own body. Freedom wigs are no hotter than other wigs. I also totally disagree with the cap not passing vapour through it. My daughter wears these wigs daily and never has any residue liquid in her caps.

The feedback I get is that Freedom Wigs, Follea Grippers (sport and other), conventional wigs etc. are all hotter than no hair or your own growing hair. You are right nothing is perfect (that would be your growing hair). I think that the expectation around wigs can be unrealistic sometimes. Conventional wigs and Grippers etc. can be just as hot, also insecure and itchy, someties lacking in hair quality(this is the feedback I have read, and what Freedom wearers say they no longer have to deal with...).

My personal experience with my daughter has been with Freedom and a couple of conventional wigs which she only wore for a short time because she found them very uncomfortable, difficult to clean and look after and unrealistic. I'm an advocate of whatever works for you. I also like to make sure the information available to people is balanced from all viewpoints.

The perspiration you are dealing with and the oil on your scalp would normally be absorbed into other types of wigs...causing them to become unhygienic, damp and uncomfortable...your Freedom Wig is designed to contain the worst of this for you, enabling you to clean it very easily while keeping you comfortable and your hair looking like everyone else's. Never perfect, but a wig designed specifically for those with extreme long term hairloss.

Hope your Freedom keeps doing it's thing.


Hello Andrew
In Aussie Freedom Wigs are also available through some charity sources. You might like to contact Martine the Freedom Independent Agent in Sydney as she has worked very hard to make sure that people are helped with Freedom in Australia, with the Government and charities.
Martine has had alopecia since she was 7 years old, she is now 40...she has also worn most wigs that have been available over her lifetime...very knowledgeable lady with a vast capacity for understanding this condition and what it means to people.

Hi Bronx

I sort of picked that it wasn't an endorsement. It was an opinion.

Bronx, the thing about this site is that opinion is acceptable. Your opinion is acceptable, as is mine. I notice that you are anonymous (again acceptable) and that this morning you have written about Freedom and your experience on a lot of threads ... I'm trying to understand what you are trying to pass on to people here. If you feel negatively about the product you should definitely go back and talk to your Independent Agent...If you pass on your real name I'm happy to get them to contact you. As the last thing Freedom or your Independent Agent would want is for you to be unhappy with your hair.

I believe everybody who reads through my posts over the years I have been helping this community will fully understand my want. I have a belief in the Freedom Wig because of my daughter, who has been wearing them for the last 10 years. You seem to know a little about me. Just in case you don't ....I also look after people in New Zealand who wears these wigs. That is not a secret and is clearly stated on my page. I don't sell here as you will fully understand you could never sell a Freedom wig over the internet. All I do is put the full weight of my experience with thousands of people around the world and my own personal experience forward for people to take as they may like.

I would fully disagree about Freedom not being a superior product (again my personal opinion - with the full understanding and knowledge of what these wigs are and how they are made).

People need information Bronx...straight forward information. Opinions are one thing, but information on wigs is so very garbled and confusing for people. I'm happy to list the features and benefits of a Freedom Wig as opposed to other products...but I don't really think that is required.

People have the right to state their opinion but as I have warned in many posts...opinion is something that is personal and suits that persons set of circumstances. This includes my own.


You indicate you gave a few hundred , of what out at the NAAF. Where do we send the self stamped envelope. Btw my new follea was just shipped! I'm traveling in business and its home waiting on me, I cant wait to get home to it

Hi There "Ms AkA . . ". Flying on business - NOT so slow. LOL. Thank you for choosing Follea. Your Gripper wig should have shipped with 3 wristbands. Please let me know if it arrives and you don't have any. Apologies if I am late to reply - I am traveling in Germany at the moment. For everyone else who would like, your free "Someone I Love (Heart) Has Alopecia" Bracelet we just need a stamped-addressed envelope. If you send me an email at Hair@Follea.com and let me know where you are based I will get you one. We have them available in North America, Europe and Australia now. Also, for anyone reading from the UK, who is going to the BeBold Alopecia Awareness Conference in Durham UK on October 12th, I will have some with me and look forward to seeing you there. It's a great way to raise awareness. Not as good as the Liverpool Flashmob though. That was awesome. All the best. Michael.



Words can not explain how thrilled I am with my new Follea! I love it when I get compliments on "my hair". I just smile and say thank you. If there are any new lines of the wig coming out or "upgrades" I would love to be part of a custome focus group if you need someone. My stylist who cut it and who had not been exposed to Follea was impressed. I love it. I am wearing it in my profile picture!

Thank you Ms. "A" for this feedback. I, and all the Team at Follea appreciate you taking the time to write and let us share your smile, Just coming back from England today after an incredible weekend at the BeBold Be You Alopecia Conference in Durham, a beautiful, historical town in Northern England. It was an incredible, positive experience, like last year and even better. Several wig vendors there all with different ideas and all with happy client experiences to tell. I think it is that choice that makes the world go round. All the very best to you. Will be sure to send you news.

Hello Judy,

The best way to test for perspiration build under a Vacuum vs Gripper is to wear them while working out on a treadmill. After 30 minutes at a speed of 3.5 or above you will be left with a puddle of perspiration under the Vacuum. You will have very little buildup while wearing a Gripper hairpiece. The Gripper perspiration evaporates while the Vacuum perspiration runs down the back of your neck.

Please let me know if you have any other questions about the Gripper hairpiece. I have worn both the Gripper and the Vacuum for over 30 years and know them first hand.


Hi Bronx

I would never consider anyone I personally help as a lucrative market. I find that demeaning for the person and for those who are genuinely trying to make a difference and help. I also understand how jaded people become through this process...the expectations and the reality that nobody really wants to wear a wig...they just want their hair back. In my case I would far prefer my daughter's hair to return and for her to be well than to sell wigs. But there is a need and the need is around information so people can make fully informed decisions.

Your opinion and experience is valid...I personally don't have a problem with your posts. What I do have a problem with is as you have said the behaviour that creates doubt and worry for people around the choices they make.

Freedom has been around doing their best to help the alopecia community for many years. It has grown organically as the need arises. No big 'Splash' to say we are here. Just wearers understanding that this product works for them...never perfect but an extremely good alterntive. It is not about making a million dollars it is genuinely about helping those that need a good alternative to help with hairloss.

I've been working with Freedom for the last 10 years and in my experience every new product that arrives in this community...looks at freedom as something or someone to beat...ridiculous really. If they were confident in there own product it would never be compared...but if they want to compare then we have to pass on our features and benefits, otherwise lovely ladies like your self would never even understand what Freedom is about.

Good luck with everything and don't be worried by this nonsense.




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