I feel like I'm the only one in the world with this problem, but of course I am not there are others going through this as well. It's hard to believe that I have gotten this far with my hair loss. I still remember people's first reactions to me when my hair first thinned out- some were shocked, horrified, others would say that if their hair started to fall out that they would approach a hair loss clinic immediately and others couldn't stop talking about just how much my hair looked different. I didn't have the courage to say anything I never admitted that my hair was falling out but they knew anyway. So what did I do? I withdrew. I got afraid of more pain. Now 2 years later from when they first started to notice I feel so alone. It was just a natural reaction to hide away, I didn't really want to. It's funny how often I don't recognise myself anymore... I don't know what I am looking forward to anymore, I don't remember the last time I did.