so, was sooo disappointed how The View today handled Miss Delaware win. instead of celebrating what she has done and celebrating those who choose to go wigless, it ended up in a discussion on who should wear a wig or not!!??? black women only if their head is shaped right? white women, no, cause they look like coneheads???!!!!!!!!!!!!! C'MON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wow - dem ladies missed the whole point!!!

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RJ, thanks for posting this. I don't watch the View and was interested in seeing this clip for myself. I am very disappointed in these women especially with Woppie. Wasn't it rumored that she had alopecia - if so you would think that she would be better informed about this disease. Actually all of them should of been better informed before opening up their big mouths.
I was so sick after watching the video clip online this afternoon. They were not even making sense. And Joy Behar, come on, Conehead? I have never been a fan of the show but now, forget it. I think we need to contact The View to educate them on AA. Let's not let this show ruin all the wonderful things coming from Kayla's goal of bringing awareness to AA or diminish all the work that Dr. Angela Christiano has done in finding 8 genes that underpin alopecia areata!!!
absolutely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this should inspire us to educate more and be thankful that we would not act like that.

and Kayla is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just wrote in .. that was ridiculous and I think Miss Delaware should call in to the show
This afternoon I emailed the show again, since no one had seen fit to apologize for the remarks that were made or to acknowledge the first email that I sent. They had a chance to redeem themselves & they blew it.
I honestly don't know what everyone is so up in arms about. I'm sorry so many of you were hurt by this, but I watch the view sometimes and I think they were just engaging in some light-hearted banter. It really didn't seem offensive to me. Whatever, congrats to Miss Delaware whose got no hair!
Sorry but Joy Behar is ridiculous - why is it acceptable to say that white people look bad bald and refer to them as Coneheads? That is not light-hearted. Sorry, I just think she got away with a bit too much today.
totally agree. what should of been some awesome moments, celebrating how wonderful kayla is and the human spirit - TURNED!!??????????
I have posted my response to this -- and the reason for the outrage is not so much because it is offensive (which it is), but because ABC allowed these women to undermine what should have been a cause for celebration and let it sink to that level. I have ALWAYS refused to allow alopecia, hair loss, or baldness of any kind to be the butt of any jokes that I have access to -- and I might add that most people think I have a twisted sense of humor. The point of it all is that if anyone is offended by it, then everyone is offended by it, and it has not one whit to do with political correctness. If they had been cracking jokes on people in wheelchairs on on crutches or with muscular dystrophy or any other condition, everyone would be up in arms -- so why shouldn't alopecians everywhere do the same?

Yes, I agree that we should see the humor in our baldness, and we should see the glass as half-full rather than half-empty; however, there is a time and place for that as well -- and the remarks made on The View were neither sensitive or appropriate for that medium. This just goes to show that as much as we think the world is coming to acceptance of alopecia and baldness, the sad reality is that they really aren't -- and given the opportunity, we are still a ready-made butt of many a joke. Thanks to these broads, I will no longer be watching not just The View, but not a single show on ABC. I also am boycotting any products that any of these women endorse, and will not be attending any events or shows where they are scheduled to appear. If the alopecian community hits these women in their pocketbooks, perhaps they will think twice about cracking a joke about us.
Wow that's pretty extreme! But it's certainly your right to feel that way.
i agree with krystababy - but u gave me an idea for a new tv show dominique!!! extreme baldness!!!!!

see -a sense of humor does help!!! but u know - let ME make fun of ME - but if u havent walked in my shoes (ladies from the view) then dont YOU make fun of me. but it is GREAT to have this site to vent on and give our bald faced (oops - bold faced) views.
It's not extreme at all -- this is also the same network that on their "family" channel has a show about kids in fat camp (and it's supposed to be a comedy.) Overweight and obsese people have enough going against them to add that insult to injury. So let's see -- shows about fat camp, idiots undermining bald people and the accomplishments of alopecians everywhere; what's next -- a talk show with Mel Gibson screaming the N-word and anti-Semitic slurs???

Nope, nobody on that network is getting my dollars!!!



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