Recently a friend was writing an article for a woman Christian magazine about the bible verse in Ecclesiastes that says there is a time to keep and a time to throw away... and she needed some of thoughts, comments or experiences and sent me a survey. I thought it applied to so many parts in our life that I try to apply it to Alopecia.

What items do you have difficulty parting with?

How do you decide when it's time to get rid of something?

What principles or influences have helped you make wise decisions about keeping or throwing away -- or what changes do you think you need to make?

How do you think this can relates to your Alopecia?

I will also share my answer below.

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What items do you have difficulty parting with?
Shoes and magazines

How do you decide when it's time to get rid of something?
I tend to have a bit (I say a bit) of a minimalist mentality. For example, I have a shoe "rack" that holds a certain amount of shoes, when the shoe rack gets full I go through and decided which ones I no longer need/wear. Same applies to my drawers and cupboards, magazine racks... So it is kind of a like a “one in, one out” system, but it not that sophisticated.

What principles or influences have helped you make wise decisions about keeping or throwing away -- or what changes do you think you need to make?
I believe that we get to a point that we start "paying" to keep our stuff. IE: we buy storage boxes, storage shelves, storage spaces... For instance, I have a hard time letting go of things that people gave me, even when I don't actually use them and then it ends up in a box. When it comes time that things are shoved in a box, I think it is time to consider if we really need it.

How do you think this relates to your alopecia?
I think we are always learning and experiencing something new as alopecians and sometimes the new information and thoughts makes the old information no longer useful to us. At that time, I feel we have to be willing to let go of the old information even if it does not always "jive" with what everybody else is thinking or believing we should be doing or thinking. We can spend a lot of time keeping hold of old information and ideas specifically because we are afraid of what someone else might think or say. I think at that point we are "paying" to keep those thoughts and they can stop us from our full potential as well as robs some joy, because we are not consistently being true to our personal convictions and thoughts.
Hi Cheryl

I have problems throwing away anything related to my children and my family. If I receive a gift from someone I am very much like you. I tend to put it in a box rather than throw it away. It's weird but I sort of feel that I am somehow being untrue to the kindness shown to me if I throw those things away.

With my ideas on alopecia I would call myself a seeker of knowledge. When new information comes my way I always try and be open and evaluate whether this will help my daughter and the others that I help with this condition. I think it is easy to become entrenched in your own thought processes but there is also the other consideration to be true to your self and what you are striving to acheive in life. I think that to live in misery because of this condition is one of those things that must eventually be thrown away and replaced with positive choices that bring people joy. No matter what those choices are.




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