My daughter is five years old. Sher has mild AA right now, but has been asking for a long time to get her hair cut short. It think it is a great idea (I don't want any focus on her hair right now and think this will be a great way to do that). She has long shiny thick brown hair, but it is getting patchier (if that is a word). So my question is this -Is there a way to save this hair for a wig she may need down the road? Please don't think I am being selfish, I know there are many that need a wig, but rememeber this is my beautiful baby girl. I think we ocould cut ten inches if we do two ponytails, and the thought of her needing a wig, even though terrible in my mind, seems more bearable if it is her own hair. Does anyone know how I could do tis?

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Tammy, I think that if you want to cut your daughter's hair so she will have it for herself later in case she needs it is a wonderful idea and you are not being selfish . But, before you make this kind of decision you want to know that she understands what is going with her. Once your daughter understands I think it should be her decision to cut it or keep it. She would need at least 10 inches to use for a wig and there are also other things she can do with the hair.
CIndy, thanks...My daughter has been asking for quite some time to get her hair cut. I have always talked her out of it because it is so pretty. Now I really want to take the focus off of her hair and help her feel good about HER. That is why I thought this may be a good idea. I have not measured her hair, but I am pretty sure if we cut the two pigitails it will be at least ten inches. Did you see my pic? I took that yesterday. She even said yesterday "I am so tired of this hair...Please mommy can I get my hair cut ...TODAY!" It saddens me to think of what may happen to her. I know you are going through the same with your daughter, and it really comforts me to know we are not alone.

That's very right about Freedom Wigs. In New Zealand I talk to people regularly about donations. As a company we prefer to pay for any hair and then it is up to the person what they want to do with that payment. Many of our people like to pass it on to their favourite charity, whether that be cancer or Alopecia or whatever.

For our wigs it can take up to 10-15 ponytails for one wig. Hair sorting is a very complicated and skilled job - because natural hair has varying lengths in it, we have to card the hair to get the lengths out of each ponytail. Then make the wig as per the clients specifications. I don't know if many people understand this part of wigmaking as I often get calls where people think that one ponytail will equate to one wig. I wish it did, but it doesn't.

Your daughters ponytail could be used in a wig she may require in the future.

There are some very specific guidelines for donating hair.

I'll put them here as they may help you and others to understand what needs to happen.

1. The hair must be clean and dry before cutting.
2. The hair must be tied securely in a hairtie of some sort, then it must be cut above the hairtie. Hair that has fallen on the floor is not able to be used. So tie the hair securely and leave it in the ponytail after it is cut. (You may need more than one ponytail - it will depend on the thickness of the persons hair)
3. The hair must be totally unprocessed.
4. The hair must be stored in a dry place.
5. The hair (for freedom) must be 12 inches and longer.

Anyone that would like to talk to Freedom about hair donation - please feel free to contact me and I will pass on your enquiry.

I have a lovely lady in NZ that has had her granddaughter's blonde hair used in one of her wigs (Just a very small amount) but it meant the world to the granddaughter that donated and the grandmother who received it.

Hope that helps with your enquiry

I really want to save her hair, but I don't think it will be possible. I know we can't get 12 inches. I think to get ten it would have to be pretty short (I measured). Also, I am trying to LIVE this day to day. I don't want my daughter to think she is definately going bald. Holding on to the hair may make me feel bad too (missing on what she had).

Now when we get there tomorrow, maybe I'll ask what the hair dressor thinks (if their will be enough length).
I don't how you would do it but I just wanted to say that in no way is it selfish at all..... She may be one of the people who need the wig but just later on so don't feel bad about cutting her hair and keeping it. How many people get their hair cut at a hairsalon and it just gets swept into the trash? Good for you and I hope you find a way to do it...

Thank you. I am n ot sure what we will do tonight. I will keep it it it seems right at the time.
As a mom of a little girl who has now worn two wigs- I can honestly say-not only do I think you are NOT selfish but you are a smart cookie to think ahead. I wish you luck -take care
I saved a plastic bag full of my daughter's hair for several reasons. (1) to know her color, (2) for posterity (just like those baby locks from the first hair cut) & (3) just in case there is ever some treatment or cure for AA or hair regeneration breakthrough that requires her own hair as some scientific starting point -- like science fiction, that i can't even imagine right now. i didn't save her hair for a wig because she really didn't want to cut it and i had to respect that because she is 10. also, i was told it would take many pony tails to create a wig so i wasn't so disappointed with her decision. as an aside, my daughter almost never wears the "fine natural european hair" wig that we bought for her, but she did wear it for her school picture this year. when i told her that her hair looked great and she was beautiful, she said to me: "it's not my hair mom, it's some european dude's!" ....file that under OUT OF THE MOUTHS OF BABES! so, are you selfish for wanting to save your daughter's hair for her? absolutely not.
Okay, get this, her hair was so thick (yes thick) that it was too hard to get the ponytails long enought to get more than 6 inches at the longest part. I didn't want her to have to get it cut in like 6 ponytails (I wanted quick and easy for my little girl), so I had her cut it in two pony tails with the longest part only about 5-6 inches. I don't know if that makes sense, but it is hard to explain. I did save it though, and my daughter looks really cute. At this poin -with her cut short, it lays nice and you really can't see any spots (it is in a very short bob cut even to the length of her mouth). So I don't know if we can ever use the ponytails, but I have them. The top of my daughter's hair is kind of thin now, so she actually had to thin the back to make it look better, but the cut helps cover the spots she has now. So that is that. My daughter feels good, so I feel a bit better. I wish we could have gotten a bit more length though.

I understand how sad and heartwrenching this all is. Before my daughter lost her hair at 12, it use to be down to her bottom, thick, curly and blonde. I didn't cut the last of her hair off until she had about 10% left, but that last wee bit plus photo's helped us get a hair prosthesis that looked exactly like her growing hair. So, even though you haven't got the required 12 inches for use in a prosthesis. You do have a beautiful sample of your daughters hair to show to any wig manufacturing. This will help a lot in the future if you decide to go down that route.

I just looked at the piccie you have attached. (my goodness- what beautiful hair she has). Hugs for you both you are doing so well.




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