Because alopecia is a struggle for all of us to even accept and I understand the emotions that come with it, I have decided to create a thread in which you can share all your rants or frustrations here. So go ahead, tell us all your feelings and we will listen to you. I realize that because we have virtually no one in real life who can truly understand our feelings, it's not healthy to keep our feelings within our inner self. So it's important to let our feelings out to alleviate the pain we have to endure in our lives. 

So I'll start off with mine: 

I want a human hair wig but it's in an area that is closer to my house and I've never actually been there before. But what's really frustrating about making a change for ourselves or even getting a human hair wig is the lack of support from anyone. I asked a family member to come with me to go visit the wig shop I've never visited before and I've not received such an impassive reaction ever in my entire life. The response was, "okay." I wish my friends or family members could have been more supportive or encouraging such as, "if you feel you want a HH wig, go for it! It's important to have confidence, et cetera" as opposed to saying, "okay." I don't want to venture into an area that I have never been to or be comfortable with spending +$2500 on my own. I wish I could have at least emotional support from someone who can acknowledge my feelings and help me in any way that can get rid of these feelings. After I typed up this frustration, I feel much more better and although I still have to deal with my thinning hair or bald head, it's good to let your feelings out as opposed to bottling them up inside. We have to stay strong and remind us that alopecia could have been a valuable experience for us later in our lives. 

Now it's your turn. Share your frustrations here and we will listen to you. We're here for you. 

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Hi Lilac: My son developed AA right after he turned 19 last year.  All of a sudden, chunks of his hair were falling out!  I was his support system while he was going through this all - I must say one of the most stressful years for both of us!  Everyday I encouraged him to be positive.  I went with him to his Naturopath appts and dermatologist appts.  I adopted the same diet as him to be supportive, endlessly researched everything and anyything.  We talked it through - tears and all!  Through the whole journey, there were many who helped and many who made insensitive remarks - I just wanted to strangle them!  You can't tell a young man of 19 that it's just hair!  Anyone, for that matter!  When I stumbled upon this site, I must say that the people on this site are beautiful and kind beyond words! A wonderfully strong support system!  Today is my son's 20th birthday and he has a full head of hair!  It's like last year never happened! It has been a real journey.  I am still on this site because I want to encourage and support others! I acknowledge your feelings and if I lived near you I would definately go wig shopping with you for support! You are not alone! I think that we are all put on this earth to support and help each other in any way we can.

Wow, you are an amazing support system to your son. I wish, in my life, I had someone just like you who could be there for me throughout the whole journey. Personally, I think it's unfair for people to say that it "will be easy" for men to accept their baldness. It's equally as devastating for men as it is for us, ladies, to lose our hairs. In this society, there is heavy emphasis on attractiveness, and our hair is one of the components. So losing our hair is like losing our identity. It's absolutely devastating that when you touch your head, you feel nothing - just your scalp. 

hey thanks for making this thread.

i'll be chiming in with my rants as well.

Every night i come home, i take off my wig.  my hair is growing - finally, but i still compare it to the wig.  Why isn't my hair full/thick/lustrous/curly like this wig.

The wig frames my face.  to be honest, my hair will never "frame my face".. it's not even the same texture!

and why can't i have supportive people like yourselves in my life???!!!!

Unfortunately, most of us do not have a very strong support like us here on this site in real life. I haven't purchased a wig yet but I will later this year. I understand your frustration that your real hair does not frame your face. I still have same curly hair as I did before but it's so thin and limp that it's making me so ugly. 

This thread is seriously a Godsend and an outlet to relieve some unhealthy stress! For someone who comes from a developing country, i can say that not many here are aware that alopecia is detrimental to one's life, especially in women. Case in point, my family has never been fully supportive of seeing it as a serious matter. Yes i won't deny alopecia is nothing close to cancer or other terminally ill diseases, but still, ever since i found out that my hair has steadily decreased throughout the years, sh*t got real. Simple things i used to take for granted in life like changing hairstyles in turn becomes a fear, because the hairstylists would point out the obvious. I used to LOVE getting stylish short haircuts, but now the only way i could cover my bald spot was to sweep everything back and tie it in a ponytail. 

Last week i had a dream about getting a beautiful haircut, and in the dream i had a full set of hair and the hairstylist was so kind. Needless to say, i cried for god knows how long, wished i never had to wake up and binge ate like a pig the whole night. 

<rant> I actually hate that no one can tell I am wearing a wig now.  I hate the compliments I'm getting on my "new haircut."  I hate that I can't just tell people that its not my hair.  </rant>



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