Hi all, my name is Karena and I have Alopecia..but also I'm a researcher at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow Scotland; working in the field of wig technology. I'd love to hear your comments, good, bad or indifferent about your experiences with wigs..or infact your decision not to wear one at all. Comments welcome.

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If only there was enough material published on the problems with wigs and the size/scale of the UK market. I've been unable to find anything concrete; however if you have any suggestions? There's thousands about Alopecia and various types of hairloss (Oncology, Alopecia, scaring, burns and self induced..etc...) But I'd like to capture what are the issues with using and wearing wigs....if there are any???? I knowfrom my own experience what issues I experience, but that's not quantitative research using my own opinions. If you or any friends have any suggestions, comments or feedback..I'm very excited and looking for your guidance. Thanks for your time and effort. If we can't fix everything, then here's to making life a little more simple. Cheers
Hi Karena

My experiences with my daughters wig of choice have been pretty amazing. I think for us it made the difference between her being all she can and could be rather than being fully defined by her condition.

I just finished reading a blog on wig wearing and what it does to wearers. Have a good read through this site (especially blogs) and you will get an idea of how fraught this decision is for some. Here's a link to one of the discussion
( http://www.alopeciaworld.net/profiles/blogs/and-something-about-the... )

It's 8 years down the road since my daughter was first diagnosed and I've seen a lot of behaviour around wigs that has been pretty enlightening for me.

My personal feelings towards hairpieces or headcoverings is that people should and have to be fully informed of what is available and how it is going to help them (or not help them). The best technology and help should also be available. Sadly as Welshcakes has said their is very little help for those with hairloss and the whole hairpiece industry can be a bit of a minefield for some. (It wasn't for me).

If I can be of further help please pop in and say hi.

Thanks ladies. Welshcake, I've spoken with AHAS tonight and your name came up in conversation. I'm really proud of everything that AHAS has done for people in Scotland...I just hope this will set a standard now across the UK. The communication across the NHS is so fragmented, there really needs to be continuity for our sakes as the user but also the budgets for the NHS....they can't have a fair system if it's a postcode lottery. I ceratinly support anyone who has the determination and drive to go for gold and make a change for the better. Your comments and feedback are warmly received so thank you.
Rosy, thanks for the link, the comments are breathtaking. That's exactly what I'm trying to capture. All I need to do now is get people to come to my focus groups and discuss these topics...so the findings can be validated for part of my research. All your comments and suggestions are very helpful, so thanks for your time and effort.

Hi Rose, happy to tell you more about it, but in short I'm a PhD student with Alopecia and I'd like to hear what common problems an pleasures people experience as a long term wig user. I'll be sending out a questionnaire by invitation, so if you would be interested in finding out more, keep in touch and we can discuss this in greater details...any questions please message me. Cheers K

Hi Karena

I would be interested in reading/commenting further as part of your research. Will we be able to view your results when you finish?

Hi ChrisM can I ask where you live? As this study is currently in the UK only. I will be recruiting participants fora questionnaire within the next 3 months, so if you qualify (or in fact know of others who may qualify) then please get in contact.




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