Which one is best for someone who has thinning hair BUT the remaining hair is in good condition. By thinning, I meant that the top of the scalp is visible and you could see through the body of the hairs but the curls are in nice shape.
I have androgenetic alopecia and have a hard time deciding to pick a topper versus a wig. I have a metallic implant on my scalp so I can't wear a wig on top of that either. So that's why I'm leaning towards a topper, but the main question is: can a topper give a LOT of volume I want? I've lost a tremendous amount of hair and am wondering if a topper can provide me the volume of hair that I once had. I have black, kinky curly hair and for either a topper or a wig, I'm going for human hair for sure.
Thanks so much!