I'm taking supplements. I noticed what appears to be positive results. First, spots in my beard began having bristles of white hair. this was 2 weeks after taking quercetin. It was also 2 weeks after my last round of injections. But the injections hadn't done this before, and the hair isn't necessarily where the injections were. I've also noticed decreased shedding on my head since I started the turmeric supplements along with vitamin D3 and vitamin C. It's purely anecdotal, though. Still, these are good supplements that support good health. I've also noticed a pain in my back has nearly gone away.
Mine is from Amazon and it's Schwartz bioresearch "premium ultra pure" It's 1500 mg per dose, which equates to 3 pills a day, a month's supply.
I have been drinking a tumeric tea for about six months, almost every day. I am also on methotrexate, but I'd had a couple of relapses even while taking the MTX (I had kenalog injections on several 'new' spots over the summer). But the tumeric seems to be really helping, and I'm not stopping it! I drink 1 level 1sp of tumeric, black pepper, a little raw honey and some coconut milk in hot water every morning (usually on an empty stomach.) I have a capsule maker, so I want to try tumeric in the capsules, as well (for travel where its harder to bring the stuff for tea.) I'll report back on my results. I think it's really helping - it's stopped more shedding incidents if I stay with it.
Hope this works for you! I think my shedding has lessened, too. I see hair growing quicker in spots, as well.
Quick update. I have increased my quercetin supplements to 800mgs/day. I've noticed increased hair regrowth and a drop off in shedding over the past two weeks. Some of the regrowth is, no doubt, accelerated by the injections. But, the beard--which has not shown much improvement over the past 9 months--started regrowing when I started taking quercetin. Not scientific, I know. Coincidental, possibly. But, when I went from 450 mg to 800, I started noticing more re-growth. On my head, where I got a few more spots, I only needed two rounds of injections to start seeing improvement. There was another spot on the top that wasn't very big and the doctor wasn't sure if it needed an injection. It got a little worse after that, but now has hair starting in it (only with quercetin and using rogain). I go in for more injections today.
Bottom line, I think quercetin is helping to lower the inflammation. I've noticed a back pain go away shortly after taking the supplement, so, It's clearly doing some good in my body. Again, not scientific. I'm sure people react differently to these things. But this has been my experience.
I've also become more accepting of the condition and my stress is lower. That may be helping, too.
That's great! My doctor actually put me on some topical creams and said I don't need further injections. He's seeing widespread re-growth, so the creams will help keep it going and there's no further need for me to go in for checkups unless hair starts falling out again.
It's so hard to know what's at work. Could it be that we're just healing in the normal course of the disease? Or is the turmeric and/or quercetin helping? Or a combination of all of the above? Certainly, some do not respond to the shots, or oral meds, or anything. That's what's so perplexing. My doctor said they want to find a blood marker so they can identify the trigger and know what's happening. But, alas, there isn't such a test. So, we're left "shooting in the dark." I hope your hair continues to grow!
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