I was wondering if this site is focused on Alopecia Areata, Totalis and Universalis? Are there others with other types of Alopecia? I personally have another form of autoimmune alopecia. Its a form of scarring Alopecia, specifically LPP. It is a slowly progressive, causes pain and itching and permanent hair loss. I have lost much of the hair at my crown and a little in my eyebrows.

Just wondering.

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Hi, I'm sure others on here have similar hair loss. Can you explain better your pattern of hair loss? I have not had a biopsy so just a blanket diagnosis of alopecia I've wondered if I may have one of the scaring forms of AA, have you had regrowth at any times? Do you have white sparse hairs in areas where you have lost? I do notice some sensitivity on my scalp from time to time, sometimes itching and sometimes just discomfort nothing major. Have you used any treatments?

Hi, I'm new to the site and this my first post! I was diagnosed (at the time I didn't realize what it was and the dermatologist didn't really explain it) with LPP in 2002. At the time I had these postules spread out over the front part of my head. They were painful and the dermatologist gave me shots and I think that she thought that once my symptoms went away that I was fine. Well, my hair has thinned out a lot in the front of my head and I have small baby smooth areas. I think I didn't really notice the thinning until a few years ago because I wear my hair in locks. I'm also experiencing some tenderness at the crown, towards the nape, of my head but I don't have any postules this time. My current dermatologist told me that if the hair hasn't grown back since 2002 then it won't. I'm seeing another dermatologist in a few weeks that specializes in hair issues because I was also told that I have seboreic dermatitis (not sure I spelled that first part right!) and I'm seeing that where I have the scales, itching, and discomfort there are also baby smooth patches.

Christine - not sure if that helps! :)

If you want to see detailed info you can check out the CARF website (Cicatricial Alopecia Research Foundation) carfintl.org There are photos there.

Mine started with spotty hair loss but now I've lost so much at my crown its fine and patchy.I have major inflammation with my scalp being anywhere from pink to red and very itchy and painful at its worst. It can be described as on fire. Luckily mine has improved lately.

You can have scaling, like dermatitis and scaling with it as well.

I have not had any regrowth, but that is not expected with scarring alopecia.

Christine, what you describe as white sparse hairs and regrowth, with itching or discomfort sounds like what I've heard some ladies describe with Androgenic Alopecia. Hair sheds, then grows back finer and finer.

If you have concerns about LPP/FFA you should talk to your doc about a biopsy. Its needed for a diagnosis.

Thanks for the extra info on the scaring Alopecia, I thought that may explain some of the odd symptoms I've had, but it doesn't sound like it, my scalp will sometime look tan, or peachy colored when I'm in an active losing phase, but it doesn't scale or break out, the only skin issues I have had over the last ten years is with a reaction to the Minoxidil, which did all of the same type of eruptions and dry scales, but that cleared up after stopping the drug, I had some pimples too when I was using the Clobetasol, but was told that was quite common. My AA pattern follows the Ophiasis pattern and not the FPB pattern, in fact I always kept my hair through the crown and front and only lost the bottom half until recently when I began losing in spots on the top part. Not really sure about my white sparse hairs, and felt like they must mean something, perhaps a different form of AA? I guess we all have similar and different ways in which AA can effect us. Thank you for letting me and others know and understand more about the Cicatricial Alopecias:)

mine was connected to asthma and eczema lost all hair on top of my heah and at the nape of my neck have it all back now but have a small bald patch which i am treating



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