Hello All,

Feeling quite low again today. Finally looking at my head in small doses and I am horrified. Really, what a denial phase I had. I couldn't deal with it, and while I am going forward, I am not dealing with it still. I had hair long enough to fake it, truly for quite a long time. Where did it all go now, I don't know. I ruined my life, really to be told there could be regrowth yesterday. What the hell is wrong with me. 90% of my hair is gone in the front, with another 70% over the crown. I used to be able to cover the front, so I don't know why I couldn't see how bad it got.

How am I going to live now? Everyone is being so kind and supportive, but I am out of control.

Don't want to leave the house today.

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Hi, I'm so sorry that you are feeling this way right now. I think we may have similar situations, I lost my hair over a period of 10 years...I know that sounds like a long time, but in the beginning it was big spot here..grow back, big spot there...grow back, eventually I developed the Opiasis pattern and was able to cover it pretty well with my upper hair, at least I thought I was, I think that near the end it was getting noticed, and I just wanted it to grow back. (some denial) I buzzed what was left of my upper hair a year ago and got a good quality HH replacement, which I have been happy with, the weird thing is that when I first had my hair shaved off I was shocked at how little hair I had!! Since having Buzzed it I now don't have any bio hair left. It is a getting use to a bald head thing now. I'm thankful that I did things when I did, because watching the rest of my hair go would have been so much worse. I sometimes even wonder if buzzing it off made it all leave??? silly because I use to Buzz cut my sons hair when that was in style for them...it always grew back. Hang in there. Please look at your options now, try not to look back too much. And remember there is a grieving process to this, so give yourself some grace there.
((HUGS)) Christine

Hi Christine,

Thanks for your reply. You are very courageous person. I am emotionally more stable. Went to a Doctor yesterday who said my Thyroid and Adrenals are in bad shape. Suggested a no wheat, no dairy food regime. I am willing to try it. What scares me the most now is I started Rogaine about 16 days ago and the hair loss is tremendously worse. I am very shaken by this and praying this is just part of the process and some darn hair will grow back. Later in the week going to a dermatologist who specializes in Hair Loss, so I am anxious to get her input about Rogaine use. Trying hard to move forward, Again, thank you for sharing with me. It's encouraging to hear from other people living and living well through this.



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