Hi my 14 year old daughter has alopecia and right now still has some hair and is ok with it - but I do not think it is going to last much longer.  She is a competitive softball player and was wondering if anyone has any experience playing sports with wigs or specifically softball.  Softball worries me because of taking tight helmets on and off constantly.

Thank you!

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Hello from one mother to another. I know that you are always looking at what is best for your daughter because I was on the mission too. Here is my advice to you. You need to take your daughter to a wig salon that has a variety of wigs that are synthetic with a monofiliment, stretch back  with adjustable straps. The ear tabs must have a material on it that you can use double sided tape as well as a plastic material in front for taping. This will keep it very secure. I am not sure what hair style she wore her hair but I am very fond of the Noriko brand because they have the monofiliment top that looks like hair is growing out of the head and are darn good quality. The tape is Supertape and can be purchased at Hair Direct on line. Let me also say that wigs caps from Sallys also help so the wig does not slip when she sweats. They also have the shampoos and conditioners for washing and conditioning Synthetic wigs. When it comes to purchasing a human hair wig I am here to guide you so that you do not learn from costly mistakes. I am a phone support person for the National Alopecia Areata Foundation and am here to help in anyway I can. The organization is amazing and can assist you and your daughter in many ways. If you would like to friend me I can send you my email and phone number. Wishing you all the best and know that  you are not in this all alone. 

My daughter did cheer leading through jr. high, high school, and college -- she was a flier so tumbling and being thrown in the air was an every-day occurrence for her.  The best method she came up with to keep her wig on was to create a 'cap' of double-sided sticky tape.  It probably was a little overboard but she didn't want her hair to come off.  The best wig tape we found is linked below.  Others that we tried would become un-sticky once she started sweating, but this stuff would still stick even through the sweat.  To remove her hair, she would spray under her wig with rubbing alcohol.  As soon as the alcohol touches the adhesive, it would come right off.


Hi, I would like to first express to you as an athlete and high school student my biggest worry was having to run in track with no hair, or look ridiculous in goggles for field hockey. It was my junior year and I couldn't possibly be more stressed about school let alone loosing all my once thick head of hair. I am and have always been one to love comfort and for me I knew I would not be able to stand wearing a wig in sports. I have three beautiful human hair wigs now that I trade on and off during the day, and once everyone and more importantly myself got used to my look removing the wig at the end of each day wasn't so hard. I know this will not be what your daughter wants to hear, and until the night I shaved my head I was unsure, and absolutely crushed at the thought of having to run in front of people bald it only got easier. best of luck to you and your daughter. I am open to any questions as I know what a hard as stressful time this canoe . In fact this is one of the first times I have been able to talk about my Alopecia openly without feeling so bad. I am currently 17 and have been bald for about one year. 

To be honest, a wig is the last thing that you think about when playing sports. You need to think about your health and kidney warmer is exactly what you need, trust me. It will help you to keep your kidneys in an amazing condition for a while. 



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