Hello, all!

I have a brief question about alopecia areata. I found out I had the condition only a few weeks ago, but the hairloss has spread quite quickly. I notice that the hair surrounding the large patches on the top of my head is frizzy and not as curly or soft as the rest of my hair. Much of this hair falls out if touched or brushed, but not all. I am wondering if the change in texture in these areas means that it is no longer growing and therefore not receiving nutrients. Perhaps it is ready to fall out soon, but still in the follicle enough to stay put? I don't know if this is a crazy idea, but I thought you would probably be able to help me out.

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Hi Madeline, the hair around my bald patch tend to be thicker and coarser, and would fall out more easily. They usually don't have a visible bulb as well. Don't know if these are broken hair or were destined to drop out some time ago. How are you coping?

Mona, thank you so much for your reply! So you think the new texture might be on account of the alopecia? As for coping with alopecia, it's been fairly difficult, but I'm trying not to think about it too much. I'm a teenager, and I'm most concerned about how it will affect dating in college and relationships with friends. People can be mean, so I'm a bit nervous.



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