Hi All, I'm curious about something. I've had AA for ten years now, and have been on a slow progression, I have buzzed what was left of my bio hair and wear a wig full time now. This is where my question comes from. My Diagnosis from my Doctor is AU, but I have a few very small patches of bio hair left on my head, a few eyebrow hairs that come and go (mostly go) and I've lost my lashes but they will grow back and fall out again. I have no leg or arm hair, I also have a bunch of those white hairs on my head, but they are sparse. I always thought of AU as no hair anywhere including your nose, but my Doctor said that I'm essentially bald, and have very little other hair so it is AU. Not that this makes a difference, I was just wondering?? If you only have those white hairs do they count....lol

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wise1, lol, thanks for the reply, you gave me a laugh. when my Dr. stated I had AU, and the Dx to my insurance company said I was AU, it just got me thinking, I suppose I thought that you couldn't have any hair in order to be classified as Universalis, it's ironic that I get rid of my mustache hair but draw on my eyebrows on everyday, the best thing I can say about it is no shaving my legs...gotta love that!



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