I have a question. hope the guys can answer this one. do you have a problem with girls who wear extensions, pieces, or wigs. I wear extensions, will eventually graduate to toppers...so what would your reaction be to feeling fake hair or being told we wear fake hair. When would be the best time to tell a guy about our "lifestyle"? I date but am having a hard time letting myself get close to ANYONE because i wear hair and i really try to avoid the conversation. Think i would burst into tears if a guy asked me. I know i must be crazy but i am just curious. haha . So to all you men out there with hair, no hair, or if your friends have ever made comments share them.

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Mr. May 5 Writer,
Just stand by...
I wouldn't have a problem with it... I would rather a girl be herself though. Bald is beautiful
okay........I am new to alopecia world but I am not new to ALOPECIA....I've been there and done that......I've look for love in all the wrong places, until I finally fell in love with ME...do you love YOU?? didn't get a chance to read everyone's response, work hard and don't have a lot of time to do "ME" time, but I've been feeling LED to share my thoughts with my fellow alopecians.......I am an italian girl....raised 3 boys on my own and I've been through a whole lot...and if you can put in your mind WHAT WILL BE, WILL BE...then you won't have time to worry or as Brian has said, don't sweat over the small stuff.........LIFE IS GOOD, and you life will be what you choose it to be.........NO MAN IS WORTH any of your time if you feel you are not being treated right.......I TELL anyone I'm dating THE FIRST DATE......there are no holds barred...this is me and if you want to see me again......this is the situation....and, to my surprise...its not just all about my hair, it took me long enough to finally figure it out....but what matters is what I know now...so keep those words close to your heart........and keep telling yourself how beautiful and special you really are, and if some dude doesn't call you back, or you feel a wall.......he is SO NOT WORTH having you........
Don't hold back any deep dark secrets. Be open and up front and do it right away, otherwise the fear and nerviousness on your part will build. What would my reaction be? I would be looking for your confort level, just like the guys I want you to be confident and act like it is no big deal. If you have a nice head it can really be awesome. Yeh, you are probably thinking I am full of crap, but I am not. You need to act like it is an asset and not a fault or a liability.
I don't like to stereotype or generalize, but for black men, hair is "all important" -- even more important than personality, or other character traits, so when you're a black female and you don't have "it", your dating life is over.
I hope with all my heart that u don't mean that. I see so many beautiful black woman with no hair! How can ANY man not see how beautiful they are?! I believe that men are men (people are people) and we all have our likes and dislikes. I have faith that there is someone out there who will care and see beyond our physical. I HAVE to believe that. I guess I need that hope, i need something to hold onto. Have u had bad experiences that have brought u to this conclusion? What kind of man are u dating?
I haven't gone on a date in 3 years and now that I am bald I can't even imagine it...but then again I don't have a good track record in my love life so I figure I am probably just meant to be alone....I am not saying I am happy about this...but I also can't imagine telling someone that I have AU...I figure that if I am meant to have love again in my life somehow someway he will find me....until then I will just keep on keeping on.
No one finds you if you stay home, unless it is online. To increase your chances, go where you will have your particular talents and interests shine. Talk regularly to someone who shares the interests, too...then see where the friendship takes you!
yes. I had a friend recently tell me that he dated a girl with alopecia once. Then he dumped her because without her wig she looked like firemarshall bill from In Living color, and why did she have to take her wig off. To go to bed. I wanted to smack him.
One thing is for sure is the eye don't lie. Most older men know it's a wig, but we dont say anything out the way to jeopardize the moment. Most men are afraid to ''speak'' knowing the outcome so we just go with the flowww. If I had it my way, you put the blonde wig on monday the brunette on tuesday, give me a redhead for wednesday ''yes'' go japanese black on thursday and for friday suprise me. Men will love all of you.

Not only would it not be a problem, I think bald women who like themselves without hair first, then wearing wigs second are attractive to me. I'd consider wigs as part of her wardrobe.

I have been on the other side, too. In college I would go bald one day, a redhead the next, a brunette after that.

I found that girls found my "bald/hair" lifestyle interesting. I dated a whole lot more when I took pride in my appearence - expressing myself; I never wore wigs to hide my bald head, but for style and fun.

Also, as a Christian, I was able to help people with problems concerning their self esteem - they (mostly girls) just seemed drawn to me and wanted to talk.

So, I'd love to have a girlfriend that is bald and wears wigs. It'd be one more thing we'd have in common! <grin>

God bless,


im in the same place i worry about meeting a guy for the fear of having to tell him the person he met is a fake on the outside as i dont have any eyelashes so the ones im wearin r fake and that the lovely hair he see's on my head is fake and sits on my night stand at nite how do u tell a guy that and expet him to stay around. x



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