Hi All, Just have a question I hope some can answer for me. I've had AA for ten years now, and have lost and regrown nearly half of my hair several times, I have whats called Ophiasis pattern AA, and lose the majority of my hair on the bottom half of my head, that area goes between being smooth with no hair, and covered with those weird white hairs that won't take color, and never quite become completely filled in like my other "normal" hair. My question is this once the white hairs have 'taken over' is that mean the hair follicles been damaged in some way, or can normal hair ever replace the white ones? I've had the white hairs there for a long time now, and would just like to know if anyone knows for sure what that means. I've tried to find out but can't seem to find any thing about it. Hope some of you have an answer.

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The white hair that appears are from the same follicles as the hair that was lost, only the pigmentation hasn't yet returned. The colour can return to them as they grow, the time it takes varies from one person to another. It's all about biology/chemistry and way above my level of understanding :)



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