How do you even go about looking for Wigs. My mom was just diagnosed with Alopecia and unfortunately, it's getting worst each week and she feels she needs to do something about it.

Where do you look, go...we are in the Pittsburgh area?

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Thank you so much. This was helpful
I have the same question only for myself. (I would be the "mom") I am 55, I also was recently diagnosed with AA. My hair dresser showed my my bald spot in August. I have been to the dermatologist a couple of times but I'm still losing hair. So far, it's all in the back. I'm starting to be more self-concious about it. It is getting quite thin. I went to a wig shop today just to take a look and the clerk told me they were a "one size fits all". There is an adjustable band inside. She was very nice and helped my try it on. And, well, I could grasp the excess that is too big. I could feel the crown part that the hair is sewn onto. It slipped and slid all over my head. It looked like a wig and felt like a wig. I was very disappointed. This is supposed to be one of the best shops in town. I do still have the rest of my hair (top and sides). Although it's all very fine and thinish. But the back...? Is this normal? or am I being unrealistic? I want to look like I have a normal full head of hair. I don't know about buy online. How can you know if they fit?
Hi .. first of all to Heather .. it's wonderful that you are helping your mom with this. I'm sure she will really appreciate the help and support! When my doctor first told me I had Alopecia Areata (the spotty kind) she suggested that I get some information about wigs so I would be ready if I needed one. I put that off for a long time since my hair was full enough to cover the spots. Then when it did start to all come out it only took about four weeks to go from spotty to pretty much bald. Had I taken my doctor's advice so I would be prepared? Not at all !! So I was in a panic. I paid extra to have an expensive wig (about $350) shipped overnight to me from an online store. It was not a good style for me and I made the mistake of having a local wig shop try to cut it for me. So then I just had an expensive wig that looked awful. Fortunately that local store had a wig in-stock that worked pretty well for me. So .. lessons learned .. PLAN AHEAD! Also, if you do order online (which can be much cheaper than a local wig store) be sure you know what the return policy is. These policies can vary quite a bit from site to site. When I was first learning about wigs I did find it quite helpful to visit a local store. I believe it is important to buy something from them if you do this. It is not, in my opinion, very ethical to use their time and expertise and then go home and order online because it is cheaper. I found the local wig shops in Richmond just using google. I called several places to find out if I would need an appointment to work with a specialist or not. In my experience, I would have been better off selecting some less expensive wigs to begin with just to get a feel for what is available. The wig sites like and also have some good sections on what to look for in a wig and what the different options are. Good luck!!!



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