
I have a fair amount of regrowth! It's not on all my patches, and I think two new ones appeared in the last few weeks, but a lot of my patches are slowly growing little hairs.

HOWEVER.. I still have a LOT of loss, the same amounts I'd been having when my alopecia areata first started (Jan 2013). Think about 100-150 whenever I wash my hair, about 30-40 when I don't wash my hair.

I know some people say a loss of 100-150 when you wash your hair can be considered normal, but pre alopecia areata, that was never normal for me (I would lose about 50 when I would wash my hair before all this).

Do you have any anecdotes if this has happened to you too, and what it meant health wise? Or in general, do you know what to make of this? My dermatologist is perplexed, but not super worried because I have regrowth. My trichologist is also not super worried for the same reason. I, however, am concerned since that means I still have active alopecia areata (esp since the hairs fall out with the trade mark alopecia "exclamation point").



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Hi Epo

I think this is par for the course.....everybody reacts differently and I'm afraid nobody can tell you what is going to happen.

It is wonderful that you have regrowth...so focus on that and do your best to stop counting hairs.




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