I am wondering if alopecians are actually more evolved than humans without the disorder - our white blood cells fight off our hair follicles which leads me to believe we have stronger immune systems. The only reason our disorder is viewed negatively is because we lose something that been venerated or deemed significant by society for several centuries. Many of my lady friends tell me that they wouldn't have the courage to "do what I do" (go bareheaded), and this is because women's hair has always been seen to signify femininity or sexuality (I think in males, long hair is supposed to symbolize courage). These outdated values hold no truth, as appearance has no way of revealing content. So, if all we're up against is losing a characteristic that is in-hair-ently useless (unless you live in an extremely cold climate), and instead equipped with stronger immune systems, aren't we better off?

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You won't believe me if I tell you that today I was talking exactly this with my boyfriend and he was laughing a lot. I told him I wanted to write about it in my blog.

I travel a lot and it is just easier for me to be bald.
Maybe it can be also negative because people think we have cancer.

I am strong and I am fit, my immune system is very strong (it wasn't when I was taking cortisone to get my hair back)..

I totally agree! And I have for a long time. When we had to fight off the cold it made sense to have a lot of hair, but not any more. Also, Thaddeus Stevens had alopecia, and he was the most progressive standing with Lincoln not because abolishing slavery was more cost effective for the north, but because it was morally right. I think all major evolutionary changes began with what looked like exceptions from the norm and then came to be the new way. Thanks for bringing this up.

My 6 year old daughter lost all her hair at the start of this year. She rarely gets sick. She is the healthiest one out of all of us. We like to joke that it is because of her super hero immune system. I agree that losing your eyelashes isn't an advantage. She is constantly getting things in her eyes. I am hoping maybe later on fake eyelashes might help with keeping things out of her eyes. I don't know if I should mention being more evolved to her. She already brags about her super hero immune system. I don't know how people would take her telling them she is more evolved than them. Maybe that will just be our inside joke. LOL!!!

Hi Brittany,
Sorry, I'm AU and I don't feel me stronger. I still suffer from hay fever, from migraines ... and from the cold ! I don't feel me like an improved girl from an improved human race ! I am not the woman I was,I feel physically and mentally weaker. I feel more vulnerable.
You are allowed to think that you are in a way a mutant girl,if that makes you self-assured.
All strategy to cure of the hairloss grief is good to have !
I like your title : What would Darwin say ?
I don't feel me stronger but I feel me more spiritual.
Stay like you are.
Best wishes.

I've had this discussion years ago with a immunologist.
The human body still evolves to keep up with the changes of its surroundings. Within this process of development every 'update' comes with it's flaws. It is a process of trial and error. In our case it is an error. It could be that all Alopecia patients will survive a sort of plague when it comes, because we've mutated in some sort of way. But it could also be that we're just one of those errors in evolution.
Many Alopecia patients have other immune related problems. Like Rheumatism or Hypothyroidism, astma, eczema, allergies, etc. As I have more than one auto immune related problem, I find that a immune system deficiency takes all energy with doing things that it should NOT do, that I'm often ill with common flu or colds.

As to the social aspect of hair loss: I did some thinking about that as well (who doesn't?) Shame is -in my way of thinking- a evolutionary way of keeping the group together to protect it's kind. As in: do not stray or you'll end up alone and that is dangerous.
Having no hair sets us -unwillingly- apart from the group, and so shaming us for something we didn't
do intentionally in the first place.
Thick strong healthy hair corresponds with health in general. Our 'biological eye' focuses on strong muscles, small waist, broad hips, a good crop of hair and so on. All in purpose of procreation. That's how nature works.
So of course we want a stunning hairdo! Not having one defies (one of) natures purpose(s)!

Conclusion: Darwin would say: oops, this mutation does not seem to contribute to the greater good. Unless of course we alopecians survive an epidemic and the world will be populated with nothing but baldies!

I can't suggest that your other ailments would go away of you did this, but I bet they would somewhat lessen-Try accepting and appreciating your bald self. It is hard to start but gets easier! (I have uu off and on since I was 4. 43 now and for the last 15 years) We may not be evolutions new little darlings, but we sure as heck are not some kind of mistake.

Your final statement is a perfect example of a case where the poster's suggestion would be correct. In fact epidemics are quite common and are not likely to cease to exist. Of course, a future ice age would be an example of the poster's suggestion being opposite. The key to any species survival is diversity and we are just another representation of that diversity.

With respect to being ill with flues and colds, I would suggest that you try a diet and lifestyle that supports your immune system (proper nutrients, low stress). Your immune system is very likely over taxed with multiple auto immune problems, and your supposition that it has nothing left for the "real" stuff may be correct.

Very true Brittany, You never know, you might be right. I think we humans still have alot to learn and for me personally loosing my hair to Alopeica I just took it as a genetic/stress thing, but deep down I really don't know. And I probably will never really know the actual cause of it. One thing I can say, is its extremly difficult especally for a female, and it almost seems kinda crule to have this condition. I am 38 years old, and I used to have this really thick head of hair , infact, my hair was my tradmark, it was what people used to compliment me for! so loosing patches of hair is extremly difficult. I have order 4 wigs! yes, and I have done this incase I loose ALL my hair! I live in a very hot tropical placein Darwin Australia and belive me the thougt of having to wear a wig is extemlly difficult. I am so glad that I am not then only person in this world who suffers from this , and therefore I feel a little bit blessed, because I know that there are other poeple in my shoes. I really really feel for you too and I hope you arn't strugging too much with your alopeica. As for Darwin, well I just wish we had a cure for this ! I heard that some one has the cure for gray hair, but I'm really hoping that they will have the cure for Alopecia soon! I feel that's much more important!
my thoughts are with you, stay strong and I will keep you in my heart.
Kindest regards
samantha from Darwin Australia

ID agree with you up until I lost my eye lashes? Nothing like hot showered water rolling directly across my eye balls! Speaking of balls......

Haven't you ever noticed that all the advanced aliens have no hair? We started out as a species with lots of hair but over time, we've lost almost everything except for head hair, eyebrows and eyelashes. Since we have clothing and hats, we don't really need any hair anymore except for eyelashes and nose hair. I'm hoping it all settles out so that eventually, that's all anyone has. Yes, our immune systems are so kick-ass that they kill everything, including our hair! LOL!! The next time anyone gets abducted by an alien, check on the nose hair and eyelashes thing for me.

I don't think so. Our t-cells are giving the wrong signals,thats not good. My immune system is fine. The better our system the more the t-cells react wrong and it all falls out . I shaved after 48 years of this,I finally realized its just hair and I don't care, they either love me or they don't.SO far everyones fine with it!

Right, right. I am thinking the same.
I still get colds. My allergies have gotten SO much worse. My body does not enjoy this at all.



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