I've been trying to find an answer about the white hairs and shots... I have AA, I get the steriod injections, and about a year or so ago, I started getting the little white hairs which are less dense, and grow much slower... My question to those of you that get shots and have the white hair growth, do you continue the shots in that same area? My derm said the shots will not help once the white hairs grow in, and she no longer treats those area's, also saying the hair will come back to normal... I know in other's thats the case, but for me, the white hairs have not returned to normal hair, density or growth rate, which makes me wonder if I should continue the shots even after the tiny white hair growth appears?

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I wish there were good answer. This condition and reaction to treatment does not seem to be consistent at all. I don't think anyone can answer this for you. It is so frustrating.

I have had shots and my hair grew back then fell out not to long after like a month later. Im not doing the shots and i have had white hairs grow, but that's all, they get kinda long, but the density is not there. I still have to wear a wig



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