This is the most fustrating part about being bald. If you're not already dating or married than there's no hope of finding a mate. Not talking about meeting with a wig then revealing afterwards about being bald. I mean being a proud bald women and having a man still find you attractive and sexy as if you had a head full of hair. Where are these men?

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Hi Pebbles, this was an amazing discussion and sparked another discussion that both women and men should read.

The Beautiful, Bald, and Breath Taking Survey

Women, be encouraged, we are living proof that it is possible.

There are a few guys. I have met a guy and he prefers me without my wig. My x husband new I wore wigs, I met him with a wig and then after a little while I told him about 6 weeks after we got on and then I showed him. You just have to find someone who is of a good nature, but they are out their. I though that for over 3 years at one stage I thought I would never get a guy but they are out their.

Keep you in my thoughts. Just a little hint, try going into the TV, TG world, their are alot of guys out their that dress as girls but they also have an amazing acceptance of ladies without hair.

I think this question can only be asked if referring to a certain culture. In an American society and culture, the hair is known as something that makes a woman beautiful (as well as what your face and body looks like too..?). Thankfully a good percentage of us look for confidence and inner beauty when it comes to relationships, as many of you have already commented about.
Although I only have AA, I still have had to talk with my boyfriend about the potential of losing all of my hair. He reassured me that he was not concerned about whether or not I had hair on my head. There are men out there who will love you for who you are, not for what you look like.

Trust me, they're out there. It is really frustrating, but take it from me. Because I don't wear a wig, I'm pretty much forced to accept my appearance because I can't control it. And you know what? People dig it. I actually signed up on OkCupid is this free online dating site for anyone (not just bald people haha) and I've met a lot of really cool people on that site. I'm meeting another tomorrow! You should try it.

Im here!! I have been bald since age 4, im coming up to 27 and if I met a bald women I see no problem, as long as they are nice and have attractive features/body then there is nothing different when it comes to me... How could I be crytical or freaked out? 
I can think of plenty of movies where women looked sexy as hell and they were bald. I think insecurity is the issue. Be comfortable with yourself first because others can see it if you are not. Don't try to put on a mask either and show fake confidence.
If someone finds you attractive then they find you attractive. And that doesn't mean that you have to jump on the first guy that does. Think about what you want too.  Another thing, start focusing on the good qualities you have. Like me, I've worked my ass off to get six pack abs for the summer. So use what you got.

Actually, there is a great conversation "The Beautiful, Bald, and Breath Taking Survey" on Alopecia World. You should read the thread and you will find that A LOT of men, find bald women attractive.

Hi Pebbles, a friend of mine has beautiful hair down her back, a perfect body, educated, and financially independent and she still can't find a man. LOL! Instead of getting frustrated begin to visualize the kind of man you want. What are his values, his character, and his personality?  Continue to let your light shine as a beautiful bold bald woman, focus on loving yourself and when the Universe knows your ready the man will appear. The right man who is crazy in love with a beautiful bald woman named Pebbles. 

Well, I don't know if all the men are not attracted or not. But there are men who look at the women with no hair same as women with hair. What matters is "what you are inside".You are just like any other woman with hair.It is just hair.

Maybe there could be a dating website for  alopecia  men & women.

I wish so



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