Hello all...

After struggling with (and fighting) AA for years now, I think I'm ready to stop treating and start accepting my baldness, which for me means eventually going fully bald. It's a HUGE step for me, and I want to have a beautiful hairpiece to wear with pride, not shame. I have worn wigs in the past, but always ill-fitting and lesser quality ones because I always viewed them as being temporary when I'm between "normal" amounts of hair. I'm looking for advice/help from those of you who have been purchasing and wearing wigs for much longer than I have. So here are my questions:

What sort of wig base is 'breathes' well? My old wigs have always felt like insulation.

What words/tags/phrases should I look for when I'm looking for something that has a natural looking part? Old wigs have always had a matted look at the hair part that I felt gave away the "secret."

Are there wigs out there that are acceptable to swim in? Summer's coming up!

What has your experience been with attaching the wig? In the past, I've had caps that I wear under the wigs, which could be tightened to stay on better. I've done a little research and see many people use glue; how often do you have to reglue your hairpiece?

Sorry that's a lot to ask, but I appreciate ANY advice you can give! Thank you!

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Hi Britt

There are many choices available to you with your choice around wigs. I think the best thing for you to do is work out what you want. From your post you want something that doesn't insulate your head - I take it you mean like a blanket or duvet, something you can swim and do other activities in, something with a natural part line and something that is easily attached. It sounds like you have an idea of what you want.:)

Some people find the lace glued pieces helpful. There is a lady on here who will probably see you post soon. Her daughter wears lace glued pieces which work well for her.

My daughter has worn vacuum pieces since she was 12 she is now 21. If you want to know anything about that type of wig feel free to pop in to my page and ask as many questions as you need.

I think you are on your way to finding something that will work for you. Investigate your needs and the features and benefits of any product you choose thoroughly as I believe you will then get a wig that works well for you.

Good luck with your investigations.


Swim in? Check out the site for http://createdhair.com/ Amy Gibson's site. Cyberhair is something you can swim in. Must be totally bald to wear it I am told. Wish that were not the case.

Hi, My daughter wears the lace wigs and we buy them online from a chinese site. I am buying from a new site presently but do not have the product yet. She tapes them with super tape that she gets on ebay and she swims, wakeboards etc. in them. Keeping on eyelashes are her biggest struggle in summer. Message me and I will give you the site.Different types of wigs work for different people.

I wrote a "Wigs 101 Guide" post on my blog if you would like to view it. Wigs 101
It might help you. It really depends on if you want human hair or synthetic. I suggest to go to a store, and try on both kinds to see the difference.



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