I have seen this statement all around..And I wish to highlight somethings to people who say it. I know it might not be your intention to come out offensive but it can be to some people. First thing its up to people what they want to wear. It doesn't make them weak. Wigs are just something one wears? It doesn't affect one's action.The individual is the one in control. And if they are happy with it then its good for them. Second thing wig will never define you and you ain't hiding yourself.You wear the wig not the wig wears you. Your personality will always show. Some can see pass the things like make up and wigs. And know the real you. And I am sure many alopecians have tough situations in their life which are tougher then alopecian. But still wear wigs. I tip my wig off to you guys. Because you are strong in your own right. My motto pick which ever option you like as long as you are happy and comfortable with it.And strength comes from within Not from options like wigs. feel free to express your view and disagree.
The one who made that post are incentive's. There is nothing wrong with wearing wig. I have been using wigs for two years now and I bought it from http://www.for-wigs.com. I'm very satisfied on it it is very durable and cheap and now I will buy a new HH wig I found one and it is very beautiful and affordable
I too prefer to wear a wig when necessary. I am a very private person and don't like to advertise all my illnesses.It's my business and nobody else's.
Since being diagnosed with Alopecia I have received the most wonderful compliments and have had harsh comments spoken to me about my hair. I never imagined people could be so judgmental and insensitive. I’m learning to charge it to their heads. - lol
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