Hey there!
So im a bit stumped!
My first wig i purchased about 8 months ago was a rene of paris! ( Its the one in my profile picture)
I loved it, it fit well and seemed to maintain pretty well.
Well after wearing it for about 6 months it started to frizz in the back and got noticabley tangle.
I thought that after 6 months this was probably normal and purchased the exact same wig.
But after only 2 months the new wig is already frizzing.
I wear it everyday and shampoo it once a week, and condition(spray) everyother day (purchused at a wig store).
Is it normal to have to purchase a new wig every 4 months or so?
I dont have anyone locally to ask questions so im unsure of proper wig care...
should i be using special brushes? wash more?
Or is it time to try a new brand?
Any information would be greatly appreciated!!!

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Thanks so much Alicia i really appreciate u taking the time to write me :)
I totally understand the back of the neck! and thats right where i wig rubs!
I guess its off to try and some more wigs hehe!

Thanks again!!!

<3 Sarah

You do not need to purchase a new wig when it gets frizzy in the back. You can simply use a regular travel clothing steamer to relax the frizzed fiber. First, pin the wig to a block or styrofoam head. Then using a vent brush, brush the hair and apply steam to the fiber at the same time holding the steamer 3 to 4 inches away from the wig. The brushing will get the frizz right out and will leave the fibers pin straight. You can then dampen the synthetic hair with water and reset the wig with rollers or permanent rods if your wig had curl or you simply wish to add some in. Apply steam to each individual roller/rod, for 10 seconds. Then allow the wig to dry and cool overnight.

NOTE: To keep your style wash the system with cold water only. Warm water will remove the style.

Best wishes,
Joseph Paris
Hi and thanks for the good tip!

I have never owned a Rene of Paris, but I have never in 25 yrs owned a synthetic wig that did not frizz at the neck. I use cold water to wash and spray with conditioner every wash too. Years ago they made conditioners that you put in the rinse water and swished the hair through and I really liked this better than the spray in but have not been able to find it in years. Anyone heard of this? Thanx Joseph for the tips!!

thanks everyone for the tips!!

Joseph ill defintley have to try that!
I like the conditioner that you put in the rinse water better, too. I am using that kind currently. It's called Brandywine Revitalizing Conditioner. I ordered it online, but I can't remember the website and I don't have my receipt anymore. I think I found it by googling, though. Good luck!
You should be using products, inc brushes, made specifically for wigs
Hi Sarah,

My wigs go frizzy too. I wear at the moment Rene of Paris wigs which are synthetic. When they start to go frizzy I give them a very quick once over with my hair straightners (from when I actually had my own hair!). The trick to this is to keep your straightnners on a very low heat, slightly dampen you wig and very quickly pull the straightners through the hair. Obviously if it is too hot on you hold it on the hair for too ling then it will damage the wig, so make sure its low heat and you go fast!

After straightening, the hair will look and feel much softer and less frizzy, much closer to how it felt when you bought it. I can usually make my wigs last at least 6 / 7 months.

Hope that helps!



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