I came into seventh grade being a new kid. I wore wigs since sixth grade. A few of my friends know that I have been wearing wigs, but I am tired of waking up and putting on wigs every single day just to impress myself and my fellow classmates. I do not want my life to go through this path and I just can't deal with this anymore. I know I am beautiful in the inside but, I just don't see it in the outside. I have family who support me as well as friends. I don't want to go into high school with a wig. I want people to see me as me. I understand that people will stare and question and giggle but, I am up for a challenge. I used to go to elementary school without wigs and it wasn't fun but, now that I am older I can take care of myself more and will understand more clearly. I have tried telling my mom but, she just wants me to wear wigs. I think that she is afraid of how people will react and that I am not going to be strong enough. When I put on my wig I realize how different and beautiful I am. When I don't have it on I seem to be myself and realize that everything happens for a reason and that God has done this to me for a reason. I don't know what my grade will think about me.My mom has already ordered next year's wig and I dislike it. We have a hair styling appointment this upcoming week and I appreciate everything she does for me but, she just doesn't understand what I'm going through. I'm nervous and I don't know what to do. Should I sit down with my mom and talk with her and tell her that I don't want to wear wigs? Or should I wait one more year and see what happens? xoxo Nicky

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Thanks for your post. I lost my hair in high school, in the 11th grade and I wore wigs through to graduation but I think it was because I was in shock and had not had time to learn to cope. I think you cope very well, and certainly by the third year I was an alopecian I did decided that my happiness and physical comfort was important enough that I was tired of hiding behind wigs. I thought it was was akin to wearing a mask if society didn't like my freckles--i just wouldn't. I think you are strong enough and yes i think your mom is just scared for you. I think you should be how you are most comfortable and can certainly understand your wanting to just be natural and not wear an itchy uncomfortable wig that feels like a lie.

Thank you very much for answering me. Being bald is going to stick with me for the rest of my life and I don't want to hide that just because. I'm going to have to talk to my mom and tell her how I feel because I bet it's hard on her too having a daughter with a condition with no hair. I want to start earlier than later because I can't re do my life and I only have one chance to make the right choice so why not start now. :)


You are so courageous and an inspiration. I would suggest that you sit down with your mom, and have a talk. Explain how you feel, and what you want. Perhaps you could wear the wig on some days, and others go bald. This is what I do. I wear a wig to work on some days, and others when my head is nicely shaved, I go bald. It sounds like your Mom wants to stand up for you, and she can't while you are at school so I'm sure that is why she is thinking you should wear a wig. Your Mom won't understand how you feel, and it might take a while until she is supportive in the way that you need from her. I think that it will help if you have a talk. It is better to get things out in the open! It might help her to find the best way to support you in this. Just remember... you are not alone! We can help you through it.

Aw, thank you so much. Your words mean a lot to me. What you said is exactly what I would like to do. Just go to school bald and then on like special occasions like Halloween or school activities then I can put on my wig. It seems like a great idea! Kids will say things to me and stare but, I'm strong and I just have to let the kids talk because I am me. And me is being bald and having Alopecia. This is my life and one day or another people are going to have to understand that.

You're welcome! Yes, you are strong. That is exactly right. You have such a wonderful attitude about it. I wish I could have been like that when I was younger. At least I have grown since then. One thing to remember, is that you are doing it to help others as well in the long run. The more that we go bald in public, the more accepted it will become so the better it will be in the future for others. My grandmother always told me "I love you because you are you". She passed away before I graduated college, but I try to remind myself that. Love yourself because you are you! :)



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