I have been going vald since i was 10 years
 old and I am now 33 . However I now feel tired of
being looked at the bald girl and wants to wear a wig... 
But I feel that I don't want to take a step back in my coping with au!!
What do you guys think?? It is especially in the meetings with men I feel the need
of a wig!

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Hi Silje, I don't think a decision to go back to wearing a wig is stepping back. I personally think the non-coping part, is when you are no longer doing the things you love in fear that your "secret" will be revealed. If you make this decision, will this be an issue.
Thank you Cheryl:) Thats exactly what I am afraid of.... suddenly get scared to show the "true" Silje! But I think I will change my "hairfit" to whatever I want:) Although I still have a long way to go... I still think too much about what will the person I am meeting think of my chose that day.... willl they like the wig, the hat..... I just need some more self-confidence when it comes to that matter!

I remember when I was slowly transitioning to no longer wearing the wig, I kept switching up so much, that after a while, my friends could not tell you what I wore on my head the night before. Similar to contacts and eye glasses.

But I did find that by switching it up, it allowed me to not get too comfortable with hiding. That is a fear for me as well. So, I understand. You are right, that the hardest thing is going to be making your own choices rather than being overly concerned about what others think of your choices. I guess it is a matter of "locus of control", something I need to watch as well. Meaning, trying to make sure that our final decisions are mainly ours and not just depending on what others are thinking or saying. If that is not in check than we are constantly swaying back and forth depending on who we are standing in front of.
Hi, Silje!

I'm a bit late to this thread, but I was wondering if you decided on getting a wig? Personally, I *love* my wigs! I think of them, and use them, like accessories. I rotate them on a weekly basis, and just have fun with them. It's been very liberating to be able to freely change my look with a different style or color. Some wigs are more comfortable than others, so you have to shop around a bit to see what works best for you.

Wigs, or scarves, or whatever (if anything) you choose to wear on your head is not a backward step in acceptance. It took me almost 20 years to accept my alopecia. I accept it now, and I am happier, and with great self-esteem, than ever before in my life.

Good luck with whatever you decide!
Hi:) I havent been able to decide myself quit yet.... Think I will go for the bald one day, scarfs one day and wig another day. I have both myself a wig now, and I like it...although it takes time to get other people used to it:) Thanks Karen:)
It's interesting to me that you bring this up. I know exactly what you are trying to say; It's a little weird when you have telefluvium or severe androgenic Alopecia and you buzz your head. Once, right after I did it, a friend was visiting. She said, "Oh, Honey, your hair isn't really so bad". I told her that was a sweet thing to say. Then I showed her the "hairloss photos" from my profile. I told her that was not the look I was going for in my personal fashion statement! Wigs were a lot more "me".
I also feel that wigs are more "me" than my balding head. I think people should be able to look the way they like, and don't have to accept everything that is nature given (unless you want to).
Rose, I understand. I have the same problem. I am areata and people see the stubble and wonder why I don't let it grow and just try to cover the whatever is missing.
Karen, I agree. Being free to switch between your options is liberating and fun.
Get the wig — you know you want to :)
Best advice yet!
well.... I, dont agree! This is actually a very complex matter for many alopecians! especially if you are so used to go without as I am!!



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