hi im haley and only just now turned 12 ,i have had alopecia since i was 4, its hard for me to have to wear wids every day, going to school is even worse, i have friends butthey have oyher friends who have their own hair and they liked them more it seems, i was told that hair dont matter but in this town it does, i just wish i had someone else ,in my position o talk to and be my friend. i was also told that someone here would send me a application to fill ouy to be able to get a wig. but that was about 3 months and i have not got a application yet,so if someone is reading this could you PLEASE send me a app? my other wig is falling apart,if any one would loke to talk to me i am here for another hour,. its 1'00 here in tn.

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Hello Haley

It's never easy to have alopecia and not have hair. I personally think it does matter that you don't have hair, but what doesn't matter is what others think about that, it's more to do with what you think about it, how you feel, what you want to do.

If you (at this time) prefer to wear a wig then start investigating what sort of wig would suit you best. What you need from it. Because you are 12 there are a couple of places that may be able to help with funding a new wig. Locks of Love is one I know of. Go to there website and you will get all the information you need.

I'm sure someone will pop along soon who has alopecia to pass on their thoughts etc. I don't have alopecia, my daughter does. Like you, she was 12 when this first happened to her, she is now 21 years old.

You will find your way and if I can help in any way just pop in and say hi.


thank you. but i feel like im the only on here in or around tn in the woods that have alopecia. i get so tired of everyone asking me or my nanny if i have cancer. no i dont

I'm so sorry that you are having such a rough time right now. I'm a lot older than you and not having hair has been difficult for me too. It makes us different, and we don't get a choice, and that makes it hard. Just being 12 is hard enough, everyone wants to fit in with everyone else, it may be hard for you to believe but most of the kids in your school don't feel like they fit in either, it's just for different reasons, which may seem silly because they are not as big as Alopecia, but to them it may seem huge. Rosy had some great advice about Lock of Love. I would also like to add that there may be a group that meets somewhere close to where you live, it sounds like you may live a bit in the country are you close to any bigger towns? If so there may be a support group there where you could meet with others and maybe even some others your age with Alopecia. I hope that you will talk with your Mom or Dad and maybe even get them to join you here on Alopecia world, there are others here your age, who know what it's like to be in school and deal with wigs.



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