Hello everybody,
This might be a ridiculous question - but will dyeing my hair risk triggering more extensive hair loss?
Since being diagnosed a few weeks ago with AA, my hair loss is still contained in one patch at the back - albeit a large patch that I still think is expanding. But the rate of expansion seems to be slowing down again, so fingers crossed it might settle soon.
At first I was so scared of aggravating more hair loss I wanted to touch my hair as little as possible. But I'm going to a wedding and on holiday soon and want to feel good - and I desperately need to get my highlights done!
I know hair loss is unpredictable, and the alopecia is happening in the follicles (therefore putting dye on the hair in theory shouldn't make a difference??) but does anyone have experience of this and can advise me? Thanks very much x

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Hi. I am not an alopecia expert but like u said dying/highlighting your hair should not exacerbate alopecia if that is what u have (v. Hairloss r/t chemical damage). I think u r safe in getting beautified for the wedding ;) alopecia is an autoimmune condition.have fun
Hi AJ,

First, No question is every ridiculous here at AW. I think it would not be a good idea, because alopecia dries the hair out, prior to shedding. The chemicals dry the hair more, causing it to break off. Alopecia already make it break. When my hair was itching , the doctor told me do not use anything with chemical or fragrance. Dye on the scalp will go into your pores. I'm so happy to hear your hair is growing, mine is too. I once dyed my hair with a semi-permanent and my hair started shedding. Prior to my husband told me not to, but I did it. :-(

Let's think of other ways to look and feel good for the wedding. Get creative! I know you can. :-)

What about a pretty scarf?
Hi Cindy and Angie, thanks for your replies.

Hmm, it's a tricky one. My hair is horribly dry and brittle at the moment. It's not as itchy as it was last week though, which is promising.
Well there's four weeks until I go - so I'll wait it out a while and see how things pan out!

Cheers ladies. Enjoy your weekends
Your welcome. :-)
The thing to remember is that alopecia is internal not external. Anything you do on the outside won't cause or cure it. Its kind of a sad but true fact. I'm just waiting for the day I can't hide it anymore. It sucks! I dye my hair because some spots grow back gray and it doesn't seem to make a differance. Its inside us.
New member, alopecia areata here. My dermatologist is quite well known with a great reputation. He has practiced for 30 yrs. He told me i can color my hair.



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