I'll be going on a trip down by the Columbia river, where it is always quite windy, some of my husbands friends will be down there, nice people but I don't feel close to them. I should be going wig shopping instead, but may go when I get back. My husband unfortunately is not understanding of my AA, when I've tried to bring up feeling like I'm getting close to shaving and wearing a wig, he either doesn't comment at all, or says something like "I thought you already had a wig?" I bought a wig several years ago, it matched my hair color then and style, if I were to put it on now, no one would question that it was a wig, I would like to find a wig that looked super natural similar to my hair now, but I'm sure that everyone feels that way right? I wish that I could just go on this trip and enjoy it, but between my lack of hair, and supper dry eyes (I have dry eye syndrome) I'm dreading it. I guess I'll be inside the RV or wearing a hat all the time? I don't have any eyebrows left, and lost some of my eyelashes, I don't have much hair on arms or legs, so wondering if that means AU? Wish I could feel better about this right now, I've told some coworkers about it and my impending "shave and be done with it" plan, mainly because I don't want to show up one day at work with a wig, and have everyone divert their eyes not wanting to comment or feeling bad for me and embarrassed. If I didn't work I think it would be better, I'd feel like less like others would notice right off. This is so hard. I would like to hear from others that have been where I'm at right now? I don't really have anyone who truly understands except all of you.

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Have you tried the Minoxidil?? I used it for about 2 years and it made a huge improvement in my hair thickness and it really made the areas that fell out grow back super fast, one problem I have now is I'm not able to use it anymore, I developed a weird reaction to it, really scaly and flaky scalp, and sores, had to stop, which I think is at least part of my problem now. Minoxidil works really well for Androgen Alopecia, its worth a try. Good luck to you if you do use it get the mens strength.

Seeking Peace: Why not shock him totally by shaving it all off, getting exotic make-up and jewelry, putting on the candles and music, and having the wine ready with his favorite meal on the table, and then let him forever find out that such treatment will only occur if he appreciates you AND your new look with smiles, discussion and compliments. On days he acts disgusted, point to the uncooked package of hot dogs in the fridge and go read a magazine in the living room, saying you already ate.

By the way...my ex was sleeping on the couch after he ORDERED me to grow hair when I had AU. I don't have to deal with him anymore now that we are divorced.

We have what we have, be it from God or nature. We get to make the calls on our own bodies, and on who we allow to get to us emotionally.

Hi Christine, I hope you go on that trip and enjoy yourself. Wear a summer hat (check out tall girls photo on the over 50 crowd) or a cute scarf, pencil in some eyebrows (look at some of the tutorial videos on this site) and seal them with liner sealer. I buy mine at bare escentuals at the mall, it's called weather everything.
I am sorry that your husband is not more understanding, but know that we always have your back. Just don't stop doing things that you might otherwise enjoy.
I understand the work thing completely. I always wear a wig to work, I wish I had the courage to do otherwise but the way these people talk, I am just not there yet. I will talk openly about my alopecia though and most people do know that I wear a wig. When I do change to a different style most forget that I wear a wig and wonder what I did to my hair or just tell me they like my hair.
I think we live pretty close and I'm not sure what type of wig you are looking to buy but they have a good selection at a wig store in Federal Way. I have just recently been buying mine on line since they are a lot cheaper and have found someone that feels comfortable cutting wigs. Let me know if you need any help.

Thanks Petra, which mall do you find the weather anything at? I didn't know we had one near us. I sent you a PM.

Ok, Petra....eyebrow tutorials? ALso, something to pencil in a natural looking brow and keep them on despite the weather and humidity? Tell me more....Thank you - What kind of wigs do you wear????

Hi Lexi, Check out the video on this site Recreating eyebrowns with makeup. It's on page 8 in the video's. I use a sealer by bare escentuals, its called weather everything. I had my eyebrows tattooed on many years ago and they faded, then when I got them re-done, they did not take, so now I almost have a blank slate. Don't want to spend the money to have them tattooed again since it didn't hold the second time.
I like to wear a mono top wig, and have been wearing synthetic mono tops for quit some time. I used to wear custom wigs but they were to expensive and they did not last me any longer than the mono's. I have mono's that I have worn everyday and they have lasted me well over a year, and NO I do not baby my wigs. I also work in a dusty environment and I know that is bad for wigs. I also only wear short wigs since I don't look good in long hair and I think the shorter styles do last longer since the hair is not rubbing on something and fraying (looking like split ends). If it's too hot out I wear scarves and when I work out I wear scarves, I think sometimes it really confuses people HA HA.



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