This woman doesn't have alopecia but she was fired for having a bald head. This sort of stuff burns me up. Same thing happened in Owen Sound, Ontario back in 2008 and I emailed the restaurant owner at that time. I guess I'll try to track down this Manitoba restaurant. I realize the woman doesn't have alopecia but in essence - the message is - you have a bald head, you can't work here. WRONG!!

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This is a team of law right here on AW. The spoken words of people who know their rights. Standing up for their rights! I wish this lady had you girls on the legal team. I moved from NY to GA and I've always been a union girl, I know want you mean Angie P. when you say the will to work. The same thing is going on right here in USA. A damn shame! Kastababy you sound like a union girl. Bring on the noise if yall want to! People are making God really upset. It's a disgrace!
I wouldn't say I'm a union girl, but I know what my rights are and I'm not afraid to stand up for them -- if I don't stand up for myself, nobody's going to do it for me!
Good question, Babylon. I guess it would be very hard unless you had clear evidence from a statement, conversation, etc. I was thinking about applying for a job at my local library. One of the librarians said to me, "But of course you'll wear a wig when you get the job!". Keep in mind - I don't go bald - I sometimes wear wigs and sometimes wear a scarf. And I just said nothing (stupid on my part). And then she added, "Well, you could wait a bit and THEN wear a scarf and keep a wig in your desk for meetings etc.". I thought she was insane and late thought of many horrible retorts directed at her facial appearance and paper bags! lol. It'd been more effective if I just stood up for myself at the time.
I've gone on interviews bald and with a wig on, and I have to say that when I was younger and went on interviews bald I didn't get the job I wanted as opposed to when I went with something on my head. Now that I'm a bit older and have a bit more experience, I can confidently walk into an interview and let my credentials speak for themselves. I give one hell of an interview, if I say so myself, and that combined with my education and skills? It would be fairly easy to prove discrimination if it came down to it. Legally, I'm allowed to see the references people give about me if I ask for them, unless I agree in writing to waive that right.

Gee, maybe I should pursue a career in employment and discrimination law????



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