I have just completed my third month taking Xeljanz. I am on 5mg 2x/day. I have had very promising results to date. Prior to the trial I had about 85-90% hairloss on my scalp, no eyebrows and no eyelashes. To date I now have no bald patches, both eyebrows are filling in nicely and I have eyelashes again. None are as full as before, but very encouraged. No side effects to report, all blood work has been fine. Picture is attached and I wish everyone the best on your own journey.

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That's so wonderful, I'm very happy and encouraged for you! Personally, I love to see success stories on here, I'm always searching for them so I really appreciate you posting your update. Thank you for sharing your picture as well, I'm looking forward to writing my own success and posting some photos. I'm in the process of getting Xeljanz this week and I'm incredibly hopeful. 

Thank you!


You are most welcome. Best of luck to you and let me know if you have any questions!

Actually, I do have some questions; How long have you had AA/AU? Are you going through insurance or paying our of pocket? Are you doing combinations treatments with injections or oral prednisone? Did your growth start as white, fuzzy hairs and then turn dark?

Thank you :)

I was diagnosed about five years ago and lost all my hair about 4.5 years ago. I am in a clinical trial and do not have to pay for the drug for the duration of the trial. Currently my insurance does not cover it for alopecia. My new growth did start with white fuzzy hairs that turned to my natural color. And I am not on any other medication or treatment. Hope this helps!

That is so wonderful! In August it will mark my second year of this. I actually got AA when I was 4 months pregnant. By grace my hair completely grew back within 6 months and I had all my hair back for almost a year. Then, on December 1st it was all gone within 3 weeks, and I went to AU. What a wild roller coaster. I have my days, but even on the best of days there's a little cloud over my head. Anyways, I'm incredibly optimistic and feel encouraged by your post. I've been on Methodextrate for about 3 weeks but I just want to get on Xeljanz and not waste anymore of my time. 

I would be so appreciative if you kept us updated with your progress! It does so much more than the garbage on the internet.

I hope you have a blessed day!

Wow amazing results. Happy for you

Wow! Your results are so encouraging. Unfortunately,I have been on Xeljanz for 2 months and have seen no results yet. I'm still hoping. Thanks for the photo!

Hi Merry, stay optimistic! And don't put too much stress on yourself! Healthy and happy should always come first.
Thank you so much for sharing your photo .
My son is 7 years old with AU. I wish he could use this
Medicine ...
Wish you all the best

Wow...your progress is great. Please keep us posted...gives us all HOPE!

Thats good news chapstick. Im glad to here it's working for you. I like reading about Xenjanz helping people. Im excited to try this one day. Because even without medication I always have some little white hairs on my head and face. So I imagine it would work well. 

At least there is hope now with some of the new drugs available. I'll post again in a couple of weeks!



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