I have been doing some thinking as I have read many of the posts regarding Xeljanz. I have read that some people are switching off a bit on the routine times and amounts of Xeljanz. I was thinking about how this could effect the results for the drug company who is providing the pills. Now my daughter is on this pill and she is following the directions of the doctor over seeing this clinical trial. This doctor has to report to the drug company every month and  results regarding the effectiveness of the drug based on how much and when she is taking it. If people are taking this drug on their own schedule and amount, then how do we know how effective it will be for the larger group. Now maybe I am over thinking this, but I do know that our goal is to get the FDA to approve Xeljanz for Alopecia. If this happens then there is a better chance that insurance companies will recognize the effectiveness of this drug and one day pay for it like they do for RA. Yes, this drug comes with many down sides, but with proper ingestion and proper blood work, it can be safe, well safe as any other drug, so to speak. 

My comments are not to bully anyone, but I was thinking that we need to rely on our doctors to know everything about us and when we are taking this drug. All of this information is being fed to the drug company with hopes that we can find out if it will works for most of us or those we love.

Bottom line, changes in doses and timing of pill can provide confused findings. Thats my thoughts and I will leave it at that. Over and out. 

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