You Can Do It!
We are all on this forum for one reason... most people visiting here are just learning about "alopecia" and I have to say, the information found can come across as quite depressing (eg. nobody knows..., treatments may not work...). Talk about depressing!
I want to tell you that you can take control of your life and your treatment. I did so and had success (measured in hair growth).
As much as I don't want to sound "preachy," most of the posts here are preachy... about "acceptance." Accept that this is happening to you and you can do nothing about it... but you can be proactive and stop it as well. There are not enough success stories. I am a success story.
Here are the phases I went through:
1. Freaking Out! This phase is characterized by absolute panic and anxiety and the rush to "google" "alopecia". BTW- nothing good ever comes from googling/self-diagnosing a medical condition. Just "google-image" "shingles" or "warts" and you'll know what I am talking about. Not helpful!
Overcoming the anxiety is the first step. Many of us can identify a life event as a trigger. Then, that stressful event is exacerbated by some hair loss. We start running our tight fingers through our hair to see how much is falling out and become panicked. Then a bald spot. Then more panic.
2. Then there is the dermatologist appointment...
The truth is, if you have done any research on THIS FORUM, you are often more informed that your dermatologist as to treatment options. Do the reasearch here... read about success stories...
more tomorrow... about how I grew my hair back...
how often do you apply the squaric acid for maintenance?
This is for anyone who is looking to buy light weight very breathable and comfortable 100% human hair full lace wigs. you can visit this online wig store on Etsy they sell great wigs.
https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/BERRYLACEWIGS?section_id=all. take care everyone
Oh, dear, baldness for women is a huge problem. This link contains the addresses of all the USA's medical institutions http://puplz.com/business/search?what=medicine&where= Unfortunately, I don't know where do u live, but I'm sure you'll be able to find a nearby medical facility !!!! I wish u good luck!!! tHope u'll cope with the problem quickly and easily
My hair grew back...twice; it has fallen out once again, this time is the worst, longest, spell of activity I have experienced. I lost 80% the first 2 times and retained my eyebrows and eyelashes; this time, 95% is gone along with all my body hair. So, I could have written a "success" story the first time my hair grew back. I do wonder every time I see a success story if the results are permanent; nobody ever comes back with an update.
I am sincerely happy for you; I hope the results are permanent and that your experience is not like my experience. If there is a "trigger" for this, I've wracked my brains trying to find one. I'm almost never sick (can't remember the last time) and I heal very quickly, so I think my immune system just needs something to do....
Hello im new to all this even though i have had bald patches all my life iv only got diagnosed within the last year and have recently started wearing a wig.. i have done alot of research (google) and all it did was make me panic more! its so refreshing and heart warming to see a positive experience. just hold i have an happy ending to!
I'm happy for you and your hair growth, but for some people hair just isn't coming back and there is nothing wrong with that. I've come to terms with it and while I have those "days",everyone does. Its just something I've gotten used to. You don't want to give people false hope.
After suffering the disease, her husband had problems with erection. He became nervous, clung to me for any reason, everything seemed to him that I was cheating. The situation with the family became unbearable, until she bought Cialis https://informacionenfarmacia.com/cialis-efectos-secundarios/ at the pharmacy. Thank you friend for the hint. Increased potency has improved family relationships. The husband says he didn’t feel such power even 10 years ago.
Thanks for the support! I do not have baldness yet, but my father and grandfather started this problem at the age of 30. I am already close to this age and decided that it is worth knowing more about this problem.
Alopecia is a serious hairloss condition that affects more and more people each year.
Scalp Micropigmentation is a great solution for many people dealing with Alopecia.
Throughout years of my SMP practice, I have worked with big number of people with Alopecia.
Those people were able to regain their confidence through scalp micropigmentation.
I have seen with my own eyes how much this procedure helped them.
Scalp Micropigmentation is a non-surgical and permanent procedure!
Please feel free to contact me with any possible questions you might have.
In order to distract myself from the problems, I recommend starting your own small project and developing your personal business. For example, after returning to work, I became less focused on the problem and became more successful. See more here.
Any mention of products and services on Alopecia World is for informational purposes only; it does not imply a recommendation or endorsement by Alopecia World. Nor should any statement or representation on this site be construed as professional, medical or expert advice, or as pre-screened or endorsed by Alopecia World. Alopecia World is not responsible or liable for any of the views, opinions or conduct, online or offline, of any user or member of Alopecia World.
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