I am wondering about all of you out there who have experience buying and wearing Human Hair Wigs.

What is your favourite brand? Do you have a standard that you buy every year? What you're favourite model style?

I have been wearing human hair wigs for 8 years, and yet I am still having trouble finding the right ones for me. When i was younger, I was less knowledgeable and did not pay attention to brands and the style models. It is only in the past few years that I've started keeping track of the ones I wear. The problem is..there always seems to be a problem!! Either the hair isn't remy and it matts and tangles easily, or it is too bulky and "wiggish" on top (i cannot stand for this anymore, as I am sick of people looking up at my part and noticing...so it is important for me to have a wig that looks realistic)

Or sometimes it doesn't fit comfortable and i spend hours trying to adjust it and just get through the day. Sometimes it is more than one of these things at the same time and its become very frustrating.

I am partial to mono top wigs as opposed to lace front wigs as they end up being too much work for me and not being comfortable enough.

So anyways, I'm doing a lot of research because I am long overdo for a new "do" haha so to speak.

I have ordered several times from New Image Wigs, and although they are not the worst, I haven't been totally happy yet with any of their styles. (Has anyone worn the Regal? It is a nice cut and fits great but its got a weird top with super very thick hair on one side, and very thin on the other, meaning you can only really part it in one specific place or else it either looks too wiggy and bulky, or too thin like you're balding. Only people who have experience wearing wigs will understand what I mean haha..Also, I don't think the hair is Remy hair, and it tangles very easily.

Are there any reviews out there for Estetica Designs? They seem very appealing, and I'm particularly interested in the 'Angelina', 'Venus', 'Fortune' and 'Liliana' It is hard to tell how natural they will look on top though and how comfortable they are etc. Does anyone have any experience wearing these or any from this line?

Any info or opinions would be greatly appreciated since I don't really have many people to talk to about this. I'm sure many of you are thinking "why don't you just go to your local wig salon?" Well I do go there, but I actually just bought a $900 dollar lace front human hair wig from her, and even though I've done SEVERAL alterations, it still doesn't fit and it drives me nuts. So it looks like I'm going to have to trade this in for something else. It's given me a lot of grief and I just want to find something that works so i can be happy and enjoy the summer.

In a nutshell what I'm looking for:


~NO lace front

~REMY Human Hair

~Long (at least "13)

~Lies naturally and flat on top, realistic looking

thanks everyone, means alot to me to have your help and support

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