So the Scientists and the medical profession say Alopecia is an Autoimmune disease, but what else, do you as sufferers believe it could be linked too. Heres what mine are:

1. A gut flora problem.
2. That Alopecia effects the internal flora thus many suffer with Asthma, Allergies etc, do to no filtration.
3. That the antibodies are infact doing a perfectly normal job, and there is a minute virus attached to the hair which the scientist have yet to find. This explains the sudden remissions.
4. That if some races dont have Alopecia it maybe dietery and lifestyle linked.
5. That the genetic link makes us more suseptable to nos 3, this would explain why not everyone gets it in that family.
6. That it is a contractable disease. It would be interesting to see how many have contact with other Alopecians before contracting the illness.

OK what are your thoughts onthis.

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My theory is that it gets triggered by stress. Once the bald spots appear, a person's stress level increases and creates a positive feedback loop causing more mental and emotional stress than before. When you are stressed, your immune system is shot and your body keeps on attacking your hair.

I would love to do a poll of everyone on here and ask them all this question! I think people who have Alopecia may know more about it than doctors!
I think Alopecia, like many other disease is triggered by many factors, not only stress. But people who get it are more weak to skin related disease. For example somebody with same stress or bad diet can develop cancer or heart problems because they their body have predisposition for this kind of diseases.
I have always problems with my skin (very sensitive, allergies...etc)
I have learned that all of us with alopecia have a genetic predisposition to autoimmune problems, just as in some families there is a susceptibility toward cancer, diabetes or any other diseases.

If our bodies become unbalanced due to a nutritional deficiency or other imbalances such as the most common, stress, it impacts on our health over time and the disease process sets in.

The word stress really needs clarification. Stress is not just about being overworked, suffering from the loss of a loved one, or having financial worries; it is all of those things and more. The stress that we are experiencing today is much more subtle and is the biggest contributor to chronic health problems. Often we are not even aware that some of these things are the cause of stress until we put them under a microscope. These are just a few of those stressors, but of course there are many more:

Betrayal - If a partner is cheating or a close friend has divulged personal information to other people and we do nothing about it, it is the ultimate betrayal to oneself. It indicates that we have no boundaries for our own self-respect and are not honoring what we need from that person - trust. This message has a tremendous impact on our bodies.

Lack of Intimacy - Relationships with friends, lovers, family members require intimacy before we really experience the authentic human connection. All too often we replace that with sex, money or toys, and unhealthy associations with things such as alcohol or drugs instead of providing and receiving what we need most from one another - time, compassion and support.

Self talk I just read a great article that I'll share with you. Despite the fact that it is written from a business perspective, it applies to the way that most people in the western world speak to themselves. According to the Dali Lama, we in the west, really dislike ourselves. How did we become such a self-deprecating society? (Probably the media). Here is the link:

Perceived Stress What is stressful to one person may not be stressful to another. While I may tend to allow certain things to cause stress in my life, the same thing may have no impact on my friend's life (and this is so true of me). I think this is also how all too often we overlook the stress that is going on in a child's life. I met a woman whose grandchild has alopecia (2 years old). She didn't think that there was any stress in that child's life until we looked closely at what was going on with the toddler. It turned out that she was living between her separated parent's homes, and spent 5 days of the week at 2 different daycares and her grandmother's house. To some of us, the stress that this youngster was feeling from an unstable life appears quite apparent, but it wasn't to her family.

Those are a few of the things that I believe are signifcant to the cause of alopecia. There are so many great books out there on the mind/body connection. I am currently writing an article on the Impact of Hidden Stress on Our Health on my own blog. You can contact me if you are interested in learning more.
I don't have a clue except what I was told... autoimmune condition... and I have three... diabetes, thyroid and of course alopecia. Oh, I have a sickel cell trait as well... what's next!!! Dr. Bernice Williams

I definitely believe its linked to something - unfortunately since i was diagnosed in 2023; i haven't found out.  In my lifetime I had bell's palsy, eczema, not the best memory, and recently pain in shoulder/ankle which were last injured areas.

Oddly enough i'm guessing Lupus (maybe) but it isn't fully there yet.  could i be overthinking?



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