I look at some of the pics of people in this group and alot look like AU and I have AA and was wondering how many with AA have bald spots on their head but have lost their eyebrows and eyelashes?

I have many bald spots on my head (80% bald) and no eyebrows and almost all my eyelashes are gone.
I sometimes wish that I had AU because then I wouldnt have this cheetah looking print on my head. I shave it but you can still see were I have hair and were I don't because my hair is almost black. Alot of pictures of people I have seen on the net of people with AA have either one big spot or many little ones but I have never really seen any pics to the degree of mine. I mean I even have patches on my hands and arms. So I am just a little curious.

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Replies to This Discussion

Hi Danielle!

When I was a child, I never lost my eyebrows and eyelashes, even though I was AT for years. I lost my eyelashes when I was 18 years old, and they grew back 2 years ago, at the expense of my eyebrows. Since my eyebrows have fallen out, they haven't grown back at all. I lose my eyelashes in patches - yes, I have areas where they just won't grow - but that is my experience. I also have patches on my arms and legs, although shaving keeps that under control - and I have zero underarm hair - that went when I was 18 too. I also have patchy unmentionable hair as well, but I keep that under control by waxing. So you're definitely not alone!
Hey, Danielle.

I had Alopecia Areata and lost about 35-40% of the hair on my head, and I also lost my eyelashes. Actually, I lost my eyelashes first and then the hair on my head.
I lost almost all my eyebrows and my left eye eyelashes. It is funny that in my case the face hair started to disappear from the left side of the face. My beard is also affected.

Hey Danielle. Im a new alopecian, Mine started around 4 months ago on my chin. Since then Iv lost all my facial hair and around 50% of the hair on my head. I still have my eyebrows and lashes at the moment. And yeah. I have to shave my head almost every day to stop it looking patchy. So far the rest of body is ok. Not sure for how long though. Good luck.

I have AA for 15 years. My hair fell and grew again during this time but 2,5 years ago I lost my hair and my eyebrows & eyelashes. It was never as bed as last time. I got PUVA therapy and I got my all hair back. It is over 2 years since this treatment without any patches. It was second time when I got PUVA and I find it is the best treatment as so far... believe me I tried everting. All the best for you!

Can you tell us anything more about the PUVA? I'm glad it's worked for you.

PUVA is a combination treatment which consists of Psoralens (P) and then exposing the skin to UVA (long wave ultraviolet radiation).

For oral PUVA, methoxsalen capsules are taken two hours before the appointment for treatment. For bathwater PUVA, the patient soaks in a bath containing a solution of psoralens. In most cases, treatment is undertaken two or three times each week.

The UVA lamps stay on for increasing lengths of time, starting with about few seconds xtending for up to few minuts.

If you are receiving PUVA therapy, follow the advice of the phototherapy nurse and that of your dermatologist. Some general advice:

-Keep all scheduled appointments.
-Do not apply any ointments or cosmetics (especially perfumes and coal coal tar products) except as directed by your doctor or phototherapist.
-Always take the capsules at exactly the same interval before the UVA exposure.
Ideally, take the capsules two hours before treatment.
-Alcohol consumption should be minimal.
-Avoid sun exposure on treatment and non-treatment days.
-Apply broad spectrum sunblock to face and hands before treatment.
-You must protect your skin and eyes from natural sunlight for twelve hours after taking methoxsalen tablets.
-During treatment, you must wear the special goggles provided.
-Apply sunscreen to all uncovered skin after treatment.
-Arrange to be seen regularly by your dermatologist.

PUVA is safe and work very good but must be taken under doctor control and I will advise to find doctor who has experience wiht PUVA treatment.
All the best! Let me know if you would like any more information.

Hi Danielle,
I've lost about 30% scalp and about 1/3 one one eyebrow.


"So I am just a little curious" :D I feel a 100 percent the same.
I never had hair on my arms but my eyebrown and lashes look so strange... patches in my face.
The hair on my head, never really wants to be where it is. When i was a child there were only little patches. 5 years ago it starts to be very much loss of hair and only a short time later I was bald. Then my hair grows back, now it says goodbye again.
The situation of my eyebrown and lashes never changed.
But everyone of us, try to make the best of it. :)

Hello all! I am New to Alopecia World, this group and Alopecia in general....I am 32 and about 2 months ago I began losing my hair in patches.Its about 75% gone now and like most I made the decision a month ago to shave my head, blah blah blah... Long story short, its also started to attack my facial hair....my hair is dark so it was easy to notice that some of the patches in my beard now had blonde hairs. Does this mean regrowth or is it just about to fall out too? Daniel, I feel your pain! As a man, I feel that the loss of my hair isn't fun(and the patchy appearance even after shaving is kinda embarrassing) but must be worse for women. My facial hair on the other hand....I would like to spare! Use of a topical cream seems to be slowing it or helping with regrowth. Like I said, the areas I've been using the cream have developed blonde hairs...any thoughts on this?

I lost bits and pieces of my eyebrows about five years ago when I was getting my masters degree and living on coffee/horrible food. A very small part of my eyelashes when pregnant. Eyebrows are mostly grown in, somewhat blonde, but have been much better since I had a food sensitivity test and eliminated all of the foods on there (my head hair has fully regrown since as well). Eyelashes are also back to their pre-alopecia status.
Hope this helps!

My eyebrows thinned before and I have spots on my arms as well.



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