Hi I have had eczema most of my life, off and on, when I was a kid I had it on my feet that cleared up and never have I had it here again, as a teen I had it on the lower part of my arms, like where water would drip if doing dishes, that cleared up, after my first son was born I got it on my hands, now thats been the spot of choice for about 30 years, it gets better at times, and worse at others, I have noticed a few areas on my lower legs now, I use a steroid cream to clear it up. I believe I had a bout of AA when I was about 2, it must have grown back fast, as no baby pics show spots, I never had a prob. again until after a surgery I had about 7-8 years ago. I know that they say there is a connection, I am most interested in those who say theirs cleared up when they got the AA, it sure sounds like a connection to me. But mine has not gone away, and the AA comes and goes, mostly comes right now anyway. I also have allergies, and mild asthma, which has worsened over these last few years for some reason, I wonder if that's related?? Wish the Dr and Scientists would figure this out for us.