Is there anyone with AU who has regrown all of their hair and kept it?!?!?!?

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I would say there is always hope. But my experience in my fourth year with this is not to count on it. I have come to enjoy part of this like not shaving and having a smooth body. The research I have read says that the longer it goes the more likely it will stay.

Whatever happens, enjoy who you are.
Almost 5 years now, pretty much forgot what it feels like to wash my hair. Meh, not too worried about it. What's fretting about it going to accomplish?
Sigh... just curious. I am struggling with the decision to turn down medicine and treatment and just make the decision to stay bald and redefine my appearance, so to speak. Giving up on my hair definitely seems easier than obsessing over it, getting all excited about regrowth, only to lose it again. Losing my hair again is something I never want to go through again...
I have not lost hope that some day I will have hair again. I always say i will be healed some day it's just up to God when (here on earth or in heaven). It's been four years for me and I have had some hair grow back. Nothing major a bit here and there. I decided not obsess and just move on. When it happens it will happen, but for now I am learning to be content with where I am at.
I understand that completely...Anna....I lost all my hair and had it all come back after taking prednisone for 6 months..stark white, but at least it was hair and now I am back to being completely hairless again......this is one of the hardest things to go thru, but I just try and keep is only hair...there are a lot worse things...but then I read some of these posts and it sounds like there are worse things going on with my body which is why I've lost all my hair initially fell out due to extreme stress I think...I do not want to be on any medication for this...because I think the side effects of that is probably worse than hair loss....I wish you all the best....I hope to find people on this site that I can chat with just for the support factor...cause sometimes I do feel like the only one in the world....Blessings and thanks for listening =-)
I've been totally hair free since 1994, and I love it! (that's 16 years) I've not done any treatments since, and I don't think I will. I have not experienced any desire to do so, yet. I would, however, encourage you not to torture yourself with treatment side effects. Enjoy the low maintenance and have fun withthe ability to throw on some hair and rush out the door if you want to. Remember hair is not who you are, it's just an accessory. Just be who God made you, you're perfect to Him, and that's pretty awesome.
I dont about complete regrowth but I can tell you that there is always the possibillity that it will start to grow again. I have had AU for two years now and started to notice some peach fuzz on my eye lashes, then my face, fingers, arms, and finally my scalp. these tiny white hairs are now changing color from white to black its not much but I hope it will make you feel a little better that the possibility for your hair to grow back is there
My daughter was diagnosed in February 2009 at the age of 6 1/2. Her eyelashes and eyebrows grew back in the Fall of 2009, even got some hair in here ears and nose! Patchy hair growth on head started in fall as well but battling new hair loss this spring. No hair growth on her body or extremities but she is happy about that, she always teases me about my "prickly" legs :) I don't blame you for not wanting to try treatment. We have used the squaric acid on my daughter's head but the itchiness and growth of her lymph nodes in her neck are too uncomfortable to concentrate at school. We are blessed with a great school community and neighborhood, so she is content to go without her wig or hats. Happy that she can put a barrette in her hair now. God bless.
I got AA when I was four, turned in to Universalis when i was 6, and had a ful head of hair by 13 for grade 8 grad, AA came back the next year, I am now 31 and just finished shaving off the last little bit of my hair, still got my eyebrows and eye lashes for now, but there is always hope, never stop believing.
Anything can happen. I say don't ever give up hope.

I have had alopecia for 21 years now and it hasn't come back and stayed. I will every now and then get a hair or two and with in a week it falls back out.
I have extensive AA and have had it for about 4 years. I recently got platinum blonde hair bonded on 24/7 and am going to forget about whether it grows in or not. I'm not saying I'm giving up hope but I'm definitely fine with my plan B. It's pretty comfortable and looks pretty realistic and I feel pretty so I'm content with that.



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