I have been really thinking of this verse that Paul gave us in Romans 12:2:

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

And I was thinking how can we relate this to dealing with alopecia?

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Hi Cheryl! This verse is special to me (well so many are, lol). It was my confirmation verse, but then when we read on in the chapter, we are called to present ourselves as living sacrifices...pure and holy. We are called to be the spotless brides!

How can we relate this alopecia, or in my case medical issues with resultant hairloss? Well, I have changed my thinking patterns. For one thing, I will never take my hair nor health for granted again. My hair is returning (with a vengeance I might add). We are taught that our external beauty is important...the world tells us this. But our internal beauty is what our Lord sees.

Hi Andrea, I would agree with you. I would think that if we are living sacrifices than we are to take care of our minds, bodies and soul. I also believe that part of transforming our minds is to re-focus and not allow the world to tell us that we are not "beautiful", especially since we were created by God and "are fearfully and wonderfully made". Another favorite verse of mine that really help me come to terms with my alopecia is Psalm 139.

13 For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.

14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
I am reminded when I read your post of Romans 12:2 here to stay in God's word, so my mind WILL be renewed. Talking to the Lord and reading his word, being honest, seeking forgiveness, humbly saying "I need you God to help me!" is all part of that renewing. Memorizing God's word has helped me too. Thanks Cheryl.
Hi Theresa, I agree with you, that by connecting with God in all these areas will continue to focus us on where our hope and help comes from.
Thank you Cheryl for this scripture reminder. Just yesterday in my women's group we discussed this scripture and we looked at the word "transformed" and we discussed how this is more like the word "metamorphosed." Think of a butterfly......the difficult part is while it is in the cacoon trying to get out but once it does - WOW it is the most beautiful butterfly. And, it not only beautiful to look at but it flys. I like to think of me leaping in all my beauty. The struggles I have now is just like that catapillar wanting to get out and become all that God created her to be. Keep seeking and trusting God's word - only than will you be transformed into His image, nature and character.
Hi Pat, Very interesting. I think that alopecia brings a beauty that we just don't understand at first. I know in my life, that "letting go" of my hair has allowed a beauty to emerge that I REALLY could not see before. It amazes me on how God has bought me from believing that I was undesirable to seeing a natural beauty that looks back at me in the mirror. My look has not changed from the first time I looked at myself without hair, but my perspective did and when my perspective changed, it seemed that everything changed. I see this as hope for other areas in our lives as well, a dead marriage, a severed relationship or discontentment with an area in our lives. Sometimes God does not change our circumstances but our perspective and we can then look at the same thing and see something different.
Ladies, I agree with you all, The Bible says that "man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks on the heart"
(1 Samuel 16:7 (KJV)
God isn't concerned with outward appearance. He looks into our hearts and sees our true motives and desires; what's on the inside is much more important than how we dress up the outside.

Related Bible Verses

that He wants us "to prosper and be in health, even as our souls prospers". (3 John 1:2 (King James Version) Both of these Scriptures say to me that God cares how we feel, and look but that our spiritual health is first and foremost in HIS mind. I am personally thankful to God for all He has led me to and through on this alopecia path, my choices in dealing with it were not always good, but HE has given victory as I submit to HIS way of thinking. I can look at myself (most days) through HIS eyes and see myslef and you all as the beautiful children HE created us to be!!



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