Heyy eveyone!!

So this isnt so much a discussion i really just wanted to share my testimony but if u have any questions or anything than feel free to comment!!


Okayy well first off my name is Amy, im 19 (turning 20 in 2 weeks lol) 

soo about 4 years ago i was diagnosed with Alopecia. Within 3 weeks of being diagnosed i went from having a full head of very long hair to having next to noo hair at all and having to buy my first wig!! The doctors had told me that based on the pattern of my hair loss that i was going to have Alopecia Universalis and to just start getting use to the fact that i wasnt going to get my hair back :(

It was, hands down, the hardest thing i have ever had to deal with to this day!

I wasnt a Christian back then tho, when i was diagnosed with aa i was a very troubled, lost and depressed girl!! I had gotten myself involved with drugs, drinking, boys (and bad ones at that) and everything else that comes along with that lifestyle. 

Having gone through all that, especially loosing my hair, i really began to doubt Gods existence!! Now i was raised a Catholic my whole life so i knew about God and Jesus and all that but i really turned away from it when i had lost my hair.


My best friend had gotten saved and started attending this Christian church, she invited me out, and i had absolutely no intentions of getting saved or nething becuase i didnt even really believe in God! After that service everything changed-i dont need to get into all the details because im trying to make this short lol but i knew at that momnet that i was sinner apart from God and that i needed Him in my life! So on Febuary 22 2009 i got saved! Now the story doesnt end there.

I was wearing a wig and no one knew, of course some ppl could tell and they would ask questions but i would lie to cover it up. One day we had a Pastor come down from the states to do a revival. At the end of the service he asked if anyone wanted to get healed and to come to the front, now i was new to the church and no one knew about my aa so i decided not to go up but rather to cry out to God in my seat and ask to be healed. And God came through! I knew at that moment that God had healed me and i was crying with joy! Now there was no way to prove at that very moment that God had healed me because its not like my hair grew right at that very moment! 

Within 3-4 months i was able to take off my wig and i got hair extensions-my hair was appox at my ears. When i had prayed for healing i was 80% bald and the hair i did hav was appox 1inch long. so about another 3-4 months after wearing my hair extentions i was able to take them off and my hair was fully grown in and down to my shoulders!! Praise God!!!!!

Since then i havent had any issues with hair loss!!!

Despite what the doctors had told me God healed me!

I dont doubt for a moment that it was God who had healed me!!


and you know everyone in this group is a Christian, just as God healed me fully and redeemed me from my life of sin, He is able to do that to you too!! the bible says that He heals all diseases, not just some!

dont treat Alopecia as a terminal disease God is able to heal us, we just have to have faith, not doubting His ability at alll!!!


I really look forward to hearing from you guys!!


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Replies to This Discussion

Bless you for your testimony! There IS power in the Blood!

Amen there is power in the blood of our Saviour Jesus Christ. His sustaining love and acceptance is the healing balm in life.


Amy that's awesome!!

Thank you, Amy, for posting your wonderful testimony. It's been 5 1/2 years since you wrote this and I'm so glad to hear your words of encouragement today on my 63rd birthday. I was just diagnosed with FFA following a biopsy a month ago, but have seen signs beginning 10 years ago (small bald patches above my temples, thinning hairs, slowly disappearing eyebrows and arm hair). Until I got a rash on the top of my scalp, I just thought these were signs of aging. I've received prayer many times from many people and agree with all the comments that one way or another God's got this. Either I (and all of us who trust in Jesus) will be healed here on earth or in heaven, and He'll use this in some way for our good and His glory. Blessings and Love to everyone who is dealing with alopecia.

Hi Amy

That is really great to hear that you now have Christ as your saviour.

God can heal Alopecia and I also am walking proof of this. I consider myself fully cured from the hair loss that once plagued my head.

I was told just last week at church that an elder had been praying regularly for my hair regrowth.

God is able to heal other problems as well. I have prayed for my father in law who was told that he had 6 weeks to live after receiving a cancer diagnosis, and the doctors said there was nothing else they could do. That was 16 years ago and he is still alive today with no signs of cancer.

What may seem impossible to man is definitely not impossible with God. God can and does heal.

  • Been praying the same prayer since a little girl...been angry with God and  family members...seems to be partly hereditary.  Wonder why it only affects some in the family.  Have AA symptoms....hair puffs up under wig..too much hair to cut..but have to wear wig..conundrum.

Social rejection and misunderstanding about the condition is the most difficult part. I have had hair loss complicated by hirsutism. It is tough being a biological female who does not look feminine. I go to church do not plan on stopping and get laughed at and rediculed by some. I do not have many friends and am glad I found you all in this group. I dont blame God, unfortunately when Adam sinned the perfection of humankind was lost due to sin, and we all suffer. This suffering is temporary because Jesus will return. I cant say I do not feel disgusted when somebody invades my personal space to say unkind and untrue things to me, but I have learned to concentrate on the things that are truly important. I am glad I found you all in this group. I had a big head of hair but by my late twenties, it was gone and I had to wear wigs. It was years before I found a doctor who diagnosed me. God bless you all I will be praying for you and yours, please remember me and mine in your prayers too.



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