I was diagnosed with FFA and IBS this summer although I noticed my receding hairline 2 years ago and could not get my GP to refer me to derm until this year. I have been on the AIP diet for a couple of months and no longer have any digestive issues. All of my bloodwork shows no autoimmune or inflammation issues, including CRP, IGA, IGE, IGC tests. My GP thinks I have no food issues and it is all stress related. However, the fact that I have solved the digestive issues with diet suggests otherwise.
Here's my question: For those of you who have had success on the AIP diet, do you stay on the strict AIP phase indefinitely, or do you start reintroducing foods to get back to Paleo diet? I realize if a new food causes digestive issues I will know within the first week, but with hair it could take longer and would not be obvious. Is it likely the same foods irritating both issues?
Any thoughts or experiences you have with this will be appreciated.
I'm 3 months into the AIP Diet. Your question is something I have been trying to decide myself. For the most part I think I am going to stick with it.
I haven't been formally diagnosed with IBS or a gastronomical problem but after being on AIP I realize that the way I felt before the diet was not how a person should feel. A short time after I'd eat, I'd be bloated with pains as food moved from point A to B and farty. Yes, I said it! Farty!!! ;) All of those symptoms are gone now.
Many parts of the AIP work for me because I have CKD.
I need to stay away from dairy. Coconut milk is OK from now on. Tomatoes and other nightshades are high in potassium. Nuts and beans are bad. Whole grains...Fine, done with those too.
I miss eggs and coffee-so I will add those in and see how it goes.
If I start to get itchy (scalp and all over) after eating those regularly I will assume I am triggering inflammation again. I was miserable with being itchy all of the time before I was diagnosed with FFA.
My bottom eyelashes have returned and I have a few random new hairs that came in around my widow's peak. I feel so much better on AIP. If it doesn't benefit my hair as much as I hope it could-I'll stick with it anyway-with minor cheats from time to time.
Every 6 months I get kidney labs done. I am going to ask my dr. to check my ANA antibodies again to see if I trigger an autoimmune response. Last time, I was 3.2 Scler-70 (Scleroderma). More tests showed nothing. It was just my raging FFA flare at the time.
All the best to you! Good luck with whatever you decide. :)
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