Are you aware of CARF?  Anyone with FFA or other types of scarring alopecia can become a member. CARF is holding a doctor/patient conference in New Orleans June 3-5, 2016.  Their website is

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Great support and info. offered on that site. And a list of all upcoming support groups and locations. Anyone near Pittsburgh... I am hosting one with Dr. English on August 27th. Hope you can come.

I was asked to post another CARF FFA/Cicatricial Alopecia support group held in San Francisco.  It will be this Tuesday, July 7, from 7:30-9:30 pm at Kaiser's Jade Room. Vera Price MD is the attending advisor

I attended my first support group meeting in Chicago a few weeks ago. I found it to be very helpful and will go back.

Was it a CARF sponsored group.  If so, good to hear.  We are trying to get the word out to others.  Glad it was helpful for you and you are going back.

Yes, it was CARF sponsored. I thought about going to one for about a year before I actually worked up the nerve to go. Not sure what I was scared about, but I'm glad I finally went!

I understand being scared.  I am so glad you have a support group nearby, as many are out there feeling all alone.  Did you by chance know about/attend the CARF patient/doctor conference held in Chicago last year?

No I didn't, I wasn't aware of CARF at the time. It would be great if more dermatologists gave out CARF info after giving an FFA diagnosis.

True, true.  A few derms do, many don't.  Hopefully you are able to go to the next CARF conference next June.



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